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近日,西北农林科技大学经济管理学院石宝峰教授课题组在能源经济学权威期刊《Energy Economics》上发表题为“How to decouple income growth from household carbon emissions: A perspective based on urban-rural differences in China”的研究论文,基于马歇尔需求层次理论揭示了居民...
中南财经政法大学经济学院张鸿武副教授合作论文在《Energy Economics》发表
中南财经政法大学 经济学院 张鸿武 副教授 《Energy Economics》 能源经济学
近日,我院张鸿武副教授的合作论文“Intertemporal lifestyle changes and carbon emissions: Evidence from a China household survey”在《Energy Economics》(Volume 86,February 2020, 104655)正式发表(论文下载链接:https://authors.elsevier.c...

北京理工大学魏一鸣教授领衔的国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFA0602600)“气候变化经济影响综合评估模式研究”之成果“中国人口结构转型引起的能源消费和碳排放新情景”,近日,以Article形式发表于《Nature -Energy》。 该文的第一作者是我校近年从海外引进的青年教师余碧莹副教授。该论文从投稿至最终接受发表共历时22个月。近半个多世纪以来,人口数量、年龄结构、以及城镇化水平在全球范...

近期,我校发展研究院王赞信研究员与博士生魏巍在能源经济学顶级期刊Energy Policy((SSCI与SCI双索引, 影响因子3.045, 中科院SCI期刊分区1区)上发表了关于光伏用硅外部成本的研究成果。尽管太阳能的开发利用有利于促进可持续发展,但是光电生产这一过程本身的可持续性问题常被忽略。随着对光伏用硅生产过程中所产生污染问题关注的逐渐增强,迫切需要知道污染所导致外部成本的信息。王赞信研究...
Support for tidal energy is high among Washington residents
tidal energy high among Washington residents
Puget Sound is one of the best places in the United States to capture energy from tides. As water in the Sound rises and falls twice daily at high and low tide, strong underwater currents move swiftly...
The Energy Economics (EE) and Economic Modelling (EM) journals and the Academy of Financial Research (AFR) of Zhejiang University and Zhejiang Province are jointly organizing the 2nd International Con...
We consider a finite region of a lattice of weakly interacting geodesic flows on manifolds of negative curvature and we show that, when rescaling
the interactions and the time appropriate...
Capturing the Benefits of California’s Energy Infrastructure Investments
Capturing the Benefits California’s Energy Infrastructure Investments
My name is Frank Wolak and I am the Holbrook Working Professor of Commodity Price Studies in Department of Economics and the Director of Stanford’s Program on Energy and Sustainable Development at Sta...
General Equilibrium Impacts of a Federal Clean Energy Standard
clean energy standard intensity standard emissions pricing climate
Economists have tended to view emissions pricing (e.g., cap and trade or a carbon tax) as the most cost-effective approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This paper offers a different view. Emp...

Professor Howard Zebker,Stanford School of Earth Energy & Environmental Sciences(图)
Professor Howard Zebker Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences
Accelerating Energy Innovation:Insights from Multiple Sectors
Innovation and Management Technological Innovation Knowledge Use and Leverage
A combination of concerns about climate change and energy security has recently led to significant increases in public funding for energy R&D. Some commentators are suggesting that these increases nee...
Renewable energy sources in the Mexican electricity sector
Renewable energy sources Mexican electricity sector Renewable energy policies
This paper analyzes the role of renewable energy sources (RES) in the Mexican electricity sector in the context of the proposed renewable energy bill currently under consideration in the Mexican Congr...
The Potential Supply of Cellulosic Biomass Energy Crops in Western Massachusetts
GIS landowner survey supply function
Most energy sources are derived from the sun, directly or indirectly. Stopping the increase of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will likely require more reliance on current rather than a...
The Potential Supply of Cellulosic Biomass Energy Crops in Western Massachusetts
supply function switchgrass
Most energy sources are derived from the sun, directly or indirectly. Stopping the increase of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will likely require more reliance on current rather than a...
Protecting China’s Energy Interests in the Middle East
China Energy Cooperation Middle East
In recent years, due to the political unrest in the Middle East, partnership on energy between China and Arab countries has been developing with fluctuations. Although oil and gas trade grew steadily ...