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Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Mixing flow and advection-diffusion-reaction equations
混合流 平流 扩散反应方程
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Unconditional stability and error estimates of FEMs for the electro-osmotic flow in micro-channels
微通道 电渗流FEM 无条件稳定性 误差估计
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Mean curvature flow coming out of cones
圆锥体 流出 平均曲率流
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Sparse Tensor Optimization Approaches for Traffic Flow Prediction, Anomaly Detection and Video Surveillance
交通流预测 异常检测 视频监控 稀疏张量 优化方法
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Mean Curvature Flow Translators
平均曲率流 转换器 Ilmanen弱平均曲率流 椭圆正则化构造
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Geometry of the Ricci flow singularity models
利玛窦流 奇点模型 几何形状
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Volume preserving Gauss curvature flow of convex hypersurfaces in the hyperbolic space
双曲空间 凸超曲面 保体积 高斯曲率流
River flow: New machine learning methods could improve environmental predictions
river flow improve environmental predictions algorithm environmental prediction
Machine learning algorithms do a lot for us every day -- send unwanted email to our spam folder, warn us if our car is about to back into something, and give us recommendations on what TV show to watc...

中国地质大学科学技术发展院王磊,等. 资源学院. Journal of Hydrology,July 2020. Unsteady flow to a partially penetrating pumping well with wellbore storage in a dual-permeability confined aquifer(图)
2020年,国际著名期刊《Journal of Hydrology》刊发了中国地质大学资源学院“油气藏渗流力学与数值模拟”团队特任教授王磊及地空学院蔡建超教授合作的最新研究成果——“Unsteady flow to a partially penetrating pumping well with wellbore storage in a dual-permeability confined a...

中国地质大学科学技术发展院李嘉光* 等,资源学院. Journal of Hydrology(2020), Digital Elevation Models for topographic characterisation and flood flow modelling along low-gradient, terminal dryland rivers: A comparison of spaceborne datasets for the Río Colorado, Bolivia(图)
近日,国际知名期刊Journal of Hydrology在线刊发了中国地质大学资源学院李嘉光副教授团队在陆相湖盆边缘河流末端沉积体系研究的最新成果——Digital Elevation Models for topographic characterisation and flood flow modelling along low-gradient, terminal dryland rive...

中国地质大学科学技术发展院袁悦锋*,王凤华*,朱培民等,地空学院, Geophysical Research Letters(2020). New Constraints on the Young Lava Flow Profile in the Northern Mare Imbrium(图)
近日,地球物理著名期刊《Geophysical Research Letters》刊发了我校地空学院袁悦锋博士后、朱培民教授和肖龙教授,联合长江大学、宁波财经大学合作者的研究成果——New constraints on the young lava flow profile in the northern Mare Imbrium。该研究通过重新分析嫦娥三号低频雷达浅层数据,推测出月球雨海北部年轻...
中国地质大学科学技术发展院周佳庆, 王礼春, 李长冬 等, 工程学院. Journal of Hydrology (2020), Effect of fluid slippage on eddy growth and non-Darcian flow in rock fractures
2020年2月,水文地质学期刊《Journal of Hydrology》刊发了中国地质大学工程学院周佳庆副教授团队题为《Effect of fluid slippage on eddy growth and non-Darcian flow in rock fractures》的学术成果。该文采用高精度数值模拟方法和水流涡旋区自动检测技术,研究了岩石裂隙壁面流体滑移对裂隙岩体宏细观渗流特性的影响...

Greenland Ice Sheet meltwater can flow in winter, too(图)
Greenland Ice Sheet meltwater flow winter
Liquid meltwater can sometimes flow deep below the Greenland Ice Sheet in winter, not just in summer, according to National Science Foundation-funded research published in the American Geophysica...

Study reveals surprising amount of gene flow among butterfly species(图)
surprising amount gene flow among butterfly species
Scientists know that shared parts of DNA create color patterns in some passion vine butterflies. The patterns help the butterflies ward off predators.Now a new study in Science provides evidence that ...
探讨二维超声联合四维彩超超高细微分辨血流技术(HD-flow)彩色血流显像在产前诊断先天性心脏发育异常中的临床应用价值。方法 选取2016年7月至2018年2月在小榄人民医院行产前超声检查并分娩的单胎妊娠孕妇2 200例,先对所有入组的孕妇进行二维超声检查,二维超声检查提示胎儿疑似宫内心脏发育异常的孕妇再联合应用四维彩超HD-flow彩色血流显像进行检查。将进行二维超声的检查结果作为对照组,将二维...