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中国地质大学科学技术发展院周佳庆, 王礼春, 李长冬 等, 工程学院. Journal of Hydrology (2020), Effect of fluid slippage on eddy growth and non-Darcian flow in rock fractures
2020年2月,水文地质学期刊《Journal of Hydrology》刊发了中国地质大学工程学院周佳庆副教授团队题为《Effect of fluid slippage on eddy growth and non-Darcian flow in rock fractures》的学术成果。该文采用高精度数值模拟方法和水流涡旋区自动检测技术,研究了岩石裂隙壁面流体滑移对裂隙岩体宏细观渗流特性的影响...
中国地质大学科学技术发展院李瑞,王生维,等,资源学院. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,Geometry and Filling Features of Hydraulic Fractures in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs based on Subsurface Observations
近期,中国地质大学资源学院王生维教授团队在岩石力学领域著名期刊《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》上发表题为《Geometry and Filling Features of Hydraulic Fractures in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs based on Subsurface Observations》的研究成果。该文通过...
Fractures, Folds, and Faults in Thrusted Terrains: Sawtooth Range, Montana
fractures structure
Exploration and development geologists, geophysicists, log analysts, engineers, and managers working in structural geology and/or fractures who want a thorough understanding of the geology and geophys...
The 1997-1998 Umbria-Marche post-earthquakes investigation:Perspective from a decade of analyses and debates on the surface fractures
Umbria-Marche seismic sequence coseismic surface fractures moderate size earthquakes post-earthquake emergency response
The Umbria-Marche sequence represents the first case in Italy for which the surface effects of a moderate seismic event (5re systematically investigated and documented. Surface fractures attri...
The May-June 2012 Ferrara Arc earthquakes (northern Italy):structural control of the spatial evolution of the seismic sequence and of the surface pattern of coseismic fractures
Seismogenic source Coseismic fracturing Compressional tectonics Ferrara arc earthquake Po Plain
The Ferrara 2012 seismic sequence was characterized by two main compressional events, which occurred on May 20 and 29, 2012, with Mw 6.1 and Mw 6.0, respectively (quick Regional Centroid Moment Tensor...
Characterization of Damage Zones Associated with Laboratory Produced Natural Hydraulic Fractures
Damage Zones Associated Laboratory Produced Natural Hydraulic Fractures
Both joint sets and fault-related fractures serve as important conduits for fluid flow. In the former case, they can strongly influence both permeability and permeability anisotropy, with implications...
Fractures of the Dammam Dome Carbonate Outcrops: Thir Characterization, Development, and Implications for Subsurface Reservoirs
Fractures of the Dammam Dome Carbonate Outcrops Their Characterization Development Implications Subsurface Reservoirs
The exposed Tertiary carbonates of the Dammam Dome present an opportunity to study fractures in outcrops within the oil-producing region of Eastern Saudi Arabia. The study focuses on: 1) the character...
The Role of Extensional Fractures and Quartz Veins in the Formation of Kaolin Deposit From the Dwyka Tillite in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Role Extensional Fractures Quartz Veins Formation Kaolin Dwyka Tillite
The Role of Extensional Fractures and Quartz Veins in the Formation of Kaolin Deposit From the Dwyka Tillite in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
Picturing internal fractures of historical statues using ground penetrating radar method
Picturing internal fractures historical statues ground penetrating radar method
The aim of the study is to formulate an approach to the monitoring of internal micro discontiniuties in a hybrid 2-D/3-D image of ground penetrating radar (GPR) data gathered on historical monument gr...
Influence of weathering and pre-existing large scale fractures on gravitational slope failure: insights from 3-D physical modelling
weathering and pre-existing large scale fractures gravitational slope failure 3-D physical modelling
The shallower one represents the zone subject to homogeneous weathering and is made of low strength material of compressive strength σl. The deeper (core) part of the model is stronger and simulates i...
Oscillations in critical shearing,application to fractures in glaciers
critical shearing fractures in glaciers
Many evidences of oscillations accompanying the acceleration of critical systems have been reported. These oscillations are usually related to discrete scale invariance properties of the systems and e...
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Clayey Tills and the Role of Fractures
Hydraulic Conductivity Clayey Tills Fractures
Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby
The background for the present knowledge about hydraulic conductivity of
clayey till in Denmark is summarized. The data show a difference of 1-2 order...
Fractures and Biopores in Weichselian Clayey Till Aquitards at Flakkebjerg,Denmark
Fractures and Biopores Weichselian Clayey Till Aquitards
The distribution of fractures and biopores in a clayey and sandy till aquitard was
investigated in two excavations, on southern Zealand, Denmark. A large number
of fracture data were measured and qu...
New maths project will study tumour imaging, fractures and alloys
tumour research nanotechnology mathematics computation of solid mechanics