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吉林大学物理学院研究成果发表在中国化学会旗舰新刊《CCS Chemistry》(图)
二维有机无机杂化钙钛矿 [HO(CH2)2NH3]2PbI4发光颜色 无辐射跃迁 压力诱导荧光增强

北京师范大学化学学院吴立明课题组在美国化学会Chemistry of Materials发表“单氟磷酸盐:深紫外非线性光学材料的新体系”的研究成果(图)
北京师范大学化学学院 吴立明 课题组 美国化学会 单氟磷酸盐 深紫外 非线性光学材料
北师大化学学院吴立明课题组首先从理论计算角度出发,利用Gaussian和VASP等量子化学软件包对PO3F2-基团进行偶极矩,能隙及超极化率等光学性质的计算研究,发现其相关参数均优于PO43-基团,基于此,他们预测PO3F2-有望成为新的DUV NLO功能基团。在此指导下,经过对100多个已知单氟磷酸盐进行深入调查和相关电子结构及光学性质计算分析,他们提出(NH4)2PO3F,(C(NH2)3)2...

厦门大学化学化工学院田中群教授研究团队在Nature Reviews Chemistry发表综述(图)
厦门大学化学化工学院 田中群 教授 Nature Reviews Chemistry
厦门大学化学化工学院田中群教授研究团队从表面等离激元增强分子光谱到表面等离激元介导化学反应研究成果综述From plasmon-enhanced molecular spectroscopy to plasmon-mediated chemical reactions,近日发表在国际学术期刊Nature Reviews Chemistry, 2, 216–230 (2018) 。

近日,国际知名期刊Nature Chemistry (IF=26.2)发表了我校物理与电子学院刘敏教授研究团队与加拿大多伦多大学Edward H. Sargent教授团队,哈尔滨工业大学陈刚教授团队合作,关于高效二氧化碳还原到多碳产物方面的最新研究成果。论文题为“Dopant-induced electron localization drives CO2reduction to C2hydroc...

暨南大学理工学院陈晓波副研究员在Chemistry of Materials上发表重要成果(图)
暨南大学理工学院 陈晓波 副研究员 Chemistry of Materials 重要成果
近日,理工学院物理系副研究员陈晓波(通讯作者)与研究生陈诗琪(第一作者)在美国化学协会权威期刊Chemistry of Materials(IF = 9.89)上发表重要研究成果“Reaction Mechanismwith Thermodynamic Structural Screening for ElectrochemicalHydrogen Evolutionon Monolayer1T'...
Introduction to Quantum Algorithms for Physics and Chemistry
Introduction Quantum Algorithms Physics Chemistry
Controllable quantum systems provide unique opportunities for solving problems in quantum chemistry and many-body physics that are intractable by classical computers. This approach is called “quantum ...

上海大学量子与分子结构国际中心在《Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics》同期发表四篇论文(图)
上海大学量子与分子结构国际中心 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
量子力学是物理和化学的第一原理,上海大学量子与分子结构国际中心主任Jeffrey Reimers教授在本领域做出了令人瞩目的工作,在最新出版的英国皇家化学会的著名国际期刊《Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics》(PCCP)同一期上发表了4篇文章,其中一篇被推荐为封面文章重点介绍。Jeffrey Reimers教授发展了一种普适的理论方法并将其应用于化学过程当中,获...
Sustainable chemistry center works to transform electronics manufacturing
electronics manufacturing chemistry
Center for Sustainable Materials Chemistry focuses on making computer chip manufacturing cleaner, faster and cheaper
The changes brewing in this lab could make that smartphone you carry smarter, ligh...
Sustainable chemistry center works to transform electronics manufacturing
chemical electronic
he changes brewing in this lab could make that smartphone you carry smarter, lighter and more sustainable. It's one of many devices getting an electronic makeover at the Center for Sustainable Materia...


北京大学化学学院Nature Chemistry发表刘忠范-彭海琳课题组在拓扑绝缘体柔性透明导电薄膜方面的研究进展(图)
Nature Chemistry 刘忠范-彭海琳课题组 拓扑绝缘体 柔性透明导 电薄膜方面 研究进展

The hydrogen molecule may be the simplest of all two-atom systems, but chemists have had to work very hard to calculate its properties from first principles using quantum mechanics. Now, however, a te...
communications and comments concerned with the sciences lying between chemistry, physics and biology, and particularly in the areas of physical chemistry, biophysical chemistry and chemical physics. T...
The School of Chemistry and Physics at The University of Adelaide
geophysics 地球物理 mathematical physics 数学物理 astrophysics 天体物理学 biological chemistry 生物化学
Research within the School of Chemistry and Physics at The University of Adelaide receives extensive external funding and involves major collaborations with researchers nationally and internationally....