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为快速识别边坡施工过程中的风险,构建基于层次分析法(AHP)—蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)的安全总体风险评估体系和界定边坡风险等级区间.根据湘西某高速公路边坡施工过程中引起边坡失稳的主要因素,进行了风险源识别,采用AHP方法确定风险源权重,建立边坡施工安全评估模型.该公路63处边坡风险特征参数体现了边坡风险分值R的分布规律.运用Monte Carlo模拟边坡安全评估分数F,建立了该公路的边坡...
Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of spectroscopic overlaps in $A \leq 7$ nuclei
Quantum Monte Carlo calculations spectroscopic overlaps
We present Green's function Monte Carlo calculations of spectroscopic overlaps for $A \leq 7$ nuclei. The realistic Argonne v18 two-nucleon and Illinois-7 three-nucleon interactions are used to genera...
\textsc{MaGe} - a {\sc Geant4}-based Monte Carlo Application Framework for Low-background Germanium Experiments
\textsc{MaGe} - a {\sc Geant4}-based Monte Carlo Application Framework Low-background Germanium Experiments
We describe a physics simulation software framework, MAGE, that is based on the GEANT4 simulation toolkit. MAGE is used to simulate the response of ultra-low radioactive background radiation detectors...
Monte Carlo simulation of the property of a scintillation bar in the multi-neutron correlation spectrometer
neutron wall Monte Carlo simulation neutron halo
To perform a kinematically complete measurement of the dissociation reaction for neutron-rich nuclei, a multi-neutron correlation spectrometer is proposed at Peking University. A Monte Carlo simulatio...
Monte Carlo study for γ+N→π+N at a new compound target
GEANT4 inbuilt compound target angular distribution pion yield spectrum
An inbuilt compound target composed of carbon and tungsten is designed, and optimized by realistic GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation. Also, we do a Monte Carlo study for single-pion photoproduction at the...
Monte Carlo studies of micromegas as a neutron detector and its track reconstruction
simulation neutron detector track reconstruction
In this paper a two dimensional readout micromegas detector with a polyethylene foil as converter was simulated on GEANT4 toolkit and GARFIELD for fast neutron detection. A new track reconstruction me...
本文对三角点阵Quenched Eguchi-Kawai模型进行Monte Carlo研究, 结果表明, 对三维情况弱耦合区的行为已有明显改进, 接近标本模型的结果.
三角点阵Eguchi-Kawai模型的Monte Carlo研究
弱耦合区 三角点阵 Monte Carlo
本文对三角点阵的EK模型进行Monte Carlo研究. 结果表明, 对二维情况不存在U(1)对称性的自发破缺, 对三维情况, 在弱耦合区看到了明显的U(1)对称性的自发破缺.
本文将一个关于对称裂变的两个集体坐标(碎片质心距和颈部参数)及其共轭动量的四维Langevin方程作为描述布朗粒子从鞍点下降到断点这一扩散过程的动力学方程.通过计算机模拟随机力冲量,用Monte Carlo方法求解了Langevin方程组.计算了32
在较弱耦合下用Monte Carlo方法计算胶球质量的另一种途径
胶球质量 Monte Carlo 耦合
本文提出了通过改换格点作用量来实现在较弱耦合下计算胶球质量的一种途径.采用EXP作用量在β=4.4处用Monte Carlo方法计算了SU(2)格点规范理论的胶球质量.初步的结果是m(0+)≈(1.38±0.28)GeV,m(2+≤(1.39±0.41)GeV,且m(2+)/m(0+)~1.0甚至更小些.为便于比较,计算是在43×8格点上完成的.
中子泄漏谱 模拟球实验验证
中子-伽玛能谱 油砂地层
本工作应用自行研制开发的中子 伽玛能谱测井的中子 伽玛射线随空间、能量、时间分布的蒙特卡罗模拟软件包计算了裸眼井、井眼里无下井仪器、油饱和砂岩地层、井眼注油条件下沿井轴和井壁的中子 伽玛射线随能量、时间分布及沿井轴和沿井壁的中子 伽玛射线能谱 ,研究了源距对中子 伽玛射线随能量、时间分布以及井轴与井壁中子 伽玛射线能谱的影响。
Monte Carlo Simulation of Activity Measurements by Means of 4πβ-γ Coincidence System
Monte Carlo Simulation Activity Measurements 4πβ-γ Coincidence System
The theoretical work is being developed with MCNP Monte Carlo code, applied to a gas-flow proportional counter of 4π geometry, coupled to a pair of NaI(Tl) crystals. The calculated efficiencies are co...
基于Monte Carlo方法对HIRFL CSRm上的TPC的性能进行了模拟.研究了磁场、读出电极几何尺寸、灵敏丝距以及读出电极平面与灵敏丝平面之间的距离等参数对TPC性能的影响,给出了TPC的一些最佳设计参数.Based on Monte-Carlo method the time projection chamben s (TPC s) performance at HIRFL-CSRm h...