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Memorial of Dimitriy Sergeyevich Korzhinskiy on the centenary of his birth
Memorial Dimitriy Sergeyevich Korzhinskiy centenary birth 1899-1985
One of the great founders of modern physico-chemical petrologic
science, which approaches the exact sciences, was born on September
13 of the last year of the last century in St. Petersburg to a fam...
Oen was bom June 30, 1928 and raised in Semarang in the former Dutch East Indies. In September 1948, he entered the Uni-versity of Amsterdam and started studying geology under the guid-ance of H.A. ...
Daniel Appleman, a long-time member and fellow of the MSA, passed away on Friday, January 2, 1998, after a courageous year-long fight with cancer. Thus ended an extraordinary life¡ªa life devoted to th...
Stuat Agrell, optical mineralogist without peer and pioneer collaborator in the application of the electron probe to petrol,ogy, was a passionate proponent whose enthusiasm and erudi-tion touched work...
Kurt von Gehlen, professor of ore petrology and geochem-istry at the University of Frankfurt, Main, Germany, died aftera long-lasting and serious heart disease on May 17th, 1995. Hewas born on Februar...
Frantisek Cech was born on August 17, 1929, in Menn
near Velk€ MeziffCf, Czech Republic. He grew up in a
spectacular and interesting part of the Ceskomoravska
vrchovina Plateau and lived there unti...
HaroldFairbairn diedDecember21, 1994.Hewasa professoremeritus in the DepartmentofEarth,Planetary, andAtmosphericSciencesatthe MassachusettsInstitute
ofTechnology,wherehehadbeenamemberofthe fac-ultysi...
CarlTolmanwasageologist,educator, administrator,and, after"retirement," aforeign serviceofficer.Mostof hislong life, whichspanned nearly 45percent ofthe ex-istence ofthe U.S.asacountry, wasdevoted to ...
S.W."Bull" Baileydiedunexpectedlyathisresidence in Madison,Wisconsin,onthe afternoon ofNovember 30,1994.Baileywasanoutstanding scientist andteacher,
and a wisecounselor to manycolleaguesand students....
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