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First principles calculations on the high-pressure behavior of magnesite
First principles calculations high-pressure behavior magnesite
The equation of state and high pressure (>200 GPa) behavior of magnesite were investigated
using first principles pseudopotential calculations based upon density functional theory within the
The MgTiO3-FeTiO3 join at high pressure and temperature
MgTiO3-FeTiO3 join high pressure temperature
The phase relations at high pressure and high temperature for the FeTiO -MgTiO join were de-termined using several different experimental methods. Through a series of multi-anvil experiments,a phase ...
High-pressure X-ray diffraction study on the structure of NaCl melt using synchrotron radiation
NaCl high-pressure X-ray synchrotron radiation
function Qi(Q)andthecorrelationfunction g(r)werederived...
"Cs-tetra-ferri-annite:" High-pressure and high-temperature behavior of a potential nuclear waste disposal phase
High pressure High temperature geometric
Structuredeformationsinducedbypressureandtemperatureinsynthetic!fi!fiCs-tetra-ferr2 3 3annite!fl!fl1M[
(Fe Fe )(Si Fe Al )O (OH) ],spacegroup C2/m, werean-1.78 6.15 0.05 20 45.93 0.07 1.80
The high-pressure, single-crystal elasticity of pyrope, grossular, and andradite
high-pressure single-crystal elasticity of pyrope grossular andradite
Al Si O ),grossular
Al Si O ),andandradite(Ca Fe Si O ).Acousti...
Vibrational spectra of dense, hydrous magnesium silicates at high pressure: Importance of the hydrogen bond angle
high pressure hydrogen bond angle dense hydrous magnesium silicates
Changes in configuration and hydrogen bonding are inferred from the complex responses of
peak parameters (frequency, width, height, and area) to compression for various hydroxyl groups) depend not on...
A new pyroxene structure observed at high pressure: Single-crystal X-ray and Raman study of Pbcn-P21cn phase transition in protopyroxene
Single-crystal X-ray high pressure phase transition
Thecrystalstructureof(Mg Li Sc )Si O protopyroxenehasbeenstudiedwithsin-
1.54 0.23 0.23 2 6
Estimates of mantle relevant Clapeyron slopes in the MgSiO3 system from high-pressure spectroscopic data
MgSiO3 high-pressure spectroscopic data
ThephasediagramforMgSiO wasestimatedusingtheentropy,enthalpy,thermalex-3
pansivity,andvolumesofallthephases.Entropyatthevarious P-T conditionsinthephase
The high-pressure synthesis of lawsonite in the MORB+H2O system
high-pressure lawsonite MORB+H2O system
soniteintheMORBH Osystem,experimentswerecarriedoutusi...
Comparative high-pressure crystal chemistry of karrooite, MgTi2O5, with different ordering states
high-pressure different ordering states
Twokarrooitecrystals,onewithadisorderparameter(X TicontentintheM1site)
of0.070(5)andtheotherwith X 0.485(5),weremountedtogetherinonediamond-anvil
In situ structure determination of the high-pressure phase of Fe3O4
high-pressure Fe3O4 GPa
The crystal structure of a high-pressure Fe O phase was determined by in situ X-ray diffraction3 4
measurements at high pressure and temperature, using an imaging plate detector and monochromatic
Synthesis, crystal structure, and phase relations of AlSiO3OH, a high-pressure hydrous phase
Synthesis crystal structure phase relations of AlSiO3OH high-pressure hydrous phase
Phase egg, first described by Eggleton et al. (1978), was synthesized and its composition determined to be AlSiO3OH. The crystal structure of AlSiO3OH, including the position of the hydrogen, has been...
Sodium heptasilicate: A high-pressure silicate with six-membered rings of tetrahedra interconnected by SiO6 octahedra: (Na8Si[Si6O18])
Sodium heptasilicate high-pressure silicate six-membered rings tetrahedra interconnected SiO6 octahedra (Na8Si[Si6O18])
Crystals of sodium heptasilicate (Na8Si7O18) have been grown at 9 GPa, 1000 8 C using the MA6/8 superpress at Edmonton. The X-ray structure was determined at room pressure( R 5 5.8%). Sodium heptasili...
MnSi2O5 with the titanite structure: A new high-pressure phase in the MnO-SiO2 binary
MnSi2O5 high-pressure phase MnO-SiO2 binary
Single crystals of MnSiO(SiO4) with the titanite structure together with MnSiO3 clino-pyroxene were synthesized from a MnO-SiO2 oxide mixture at 10008 C and 9.2 GPa in a multi-anvil press. The crystal...
High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopic studies of the C2/m-P21/m phase transition in cummingtonite
High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction spectroscopic studies C2/m-P21/m phase transition cummingtonite
The structural changes associated with the C 2/ m - P 21/ m phase transition in cumming-tonite with (Fe 1 Mn)/(Fe1 Mn1 Mg) ┆ 0.50 have been studied with single-crystal X-ray diffraction at various pre...