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中国地质大学科学技术发展院石炜(博士生),李超等 BGEG国家重点实验室 Geology, January 24,2018, Sulfur isotope evidence for transient marine-shelf oxidation during the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion
近日,中国地质大学生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室李超教授团队在国际著名地学期刊《Geology》上发表了题为“Sulfur isotope evidence for transient marine-shelf oxidation duringthe Ediacaran Shuram Excursion”的学术论文,该论文通过定量数值模拟的方法首次发现了埃迪卡拉纪碳循环剧烈扰动时期(又称“Shu...
Was the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene Hot Because Earth Was Flat? An Ocean Lithium Isotope View of Mountain Building,Continental Weathering, Carbon Dioxide,and Earth's Cenozoic Climate
Late Paleocene-Early Eocene Hot Earth Was Flat Ocean Lithium Isotope View Mountain Building Continental Weathering Carbon Dioxide Earth's Cenozoic Climate
Hothouse climates in Earth's geologic past, such as the Eocene epoch, are thought to have been caused by the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide and/or methane, which had been stored as carbon ...
Stable isotope estimates of evaporation : inflow and water residence time for lakes across the United States as a tool for national lake water quality assessments
inflow water residence
We used water d2H and d18O from ca. 1000 lakes sampled in the 2007 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s
National Lakes Assessment (NLA) to assess two hydrological variables—evaporation as a percent...
Midwater zooplankton and suspended particle dynamics in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre: A stable isotope perspective
North Pacific Subtropical Gyre Midwater zooplankton
We used amino acid (AA) compound-specific isotope analysis (d15NAA and d13
CAA values) of midwater
zooplankton and suspended particles to examine their dynamics in the mesopelagic zone. Suspended pa...
Dissolved carbon dioxide concentration controls baseline stable carbon isotope signatures of a lake food web
Dissolved carbon dioxide concentration controls baseline stable carbon isotope signatures a lake food web
Temporal variation in the baseline stable carbon isotope (δ13C) value of a well-studied, productive lake was examined over a 26-yr period using archived samples of the herbivorous zooplankter Daphnia ...
Dissolved carbon dioxide concentration controls baseline stable carbon isotope signatures of a lake food web
Dissolved carbon dioxide concentration controls baseline stable carbon isotope signatures a lake food web
Temporal variation in the baseline stable carbon isotope (d13C) value of a well-studied, productive lake was examined over a 26-yr period using archived samples of the herbivorous zooplankterDaphnia g...
Sulfur stable isotope indicators of residency in estuarine fish
Sulfur stable isotope indicators of residency estuarine fish
Estuarine fish may remain as residents in areas with favorable conditions for feeding and refuge, but become mobile and transient where conditions are less favorable. We developed a new approach invol...
Characterization of stable isotope fractionation during methane production in the sediment of a eutrophic lake, Lake Dagow, Germany
stable isotope fractionation methane production in the sediment eutrophic lake Lake Dagow Germany
We measuredd13CofCO2,CH4, and acetate-methyl in profundal sediment of eutrophic Lake Dagow by incubation experiments in the presence and absence of methanogenic inhibitors chloroform, bromoethane sulf...
Carbon isotope composition of fatty acids and sterols in the scleractinian coral Turbinaria reniformis: Effect of light and feeding
Carbon isotope composition fatty acids sterols the scleractinian coral Turbinaria reniformis: Effect of light and feeding
The effect of auto- and heterotrophy on the carbon isotope composition (d13C) of fatty acids (FA) and sterols was studied in the scleractinian coralTurbinaria reniformis. Colonies were maintained in a...
Temporal shift in nutrient input to cold-seep food webs revealed by stable-isotope signatures of associated communities
cold-seep food webs Temporal shift
A pattern of succession has been demonstrated at Gulf of Mexico cold seeps proceeding from a high-biomass
endemic community dominated by grazers to a diverse community of endemic and nonendemic speci...
Temporal and spatial variability in the cycling of nitrogen within a constructed wetland: A whole-system stable-isotope-addition experiment
Temporal spatial variability in the cycling of nitrogen a constructed wetland A whole-system stable-isotope-addition experiment
Constructed wetlands attenuate effluent nutrients, are hydrodynamically well defined, and are a useful proxy for the study of nitrogen (N) transformation in eutrophic natural systems. A whole-system s...
Sea fan corals provide a stable isotope baseline for assessing sewage pollution in the Mexican Caribbean
Sea fan corals provide a stable isotope baseline sewage pollution the Mexican Caribbean
We compared stable nitrogen isotope (d15N) values from the common Caribbean sea fanGorgonia ventalina,collected from a developed and undeveloped coastline, to test the hypothesis that sewage-derived n...
Sedimented cyanobacterial detritus as a source of nutrient for submerged macrophytes (Vallisneria spiralisandElodea nuttallii): An isotope labeling experiment using 15N
Sedimented cyanobacterial detritus a source of nutrient submerged macrophytes An isotope labeling experiment
A tracer experiment using the nitrogen isotope15N investigated the uptake and incorporation of nitrogen from sedimented cyanobacterial detritus by two species of submerged macrophytes, the nativeValli...
Stable isotope fractionation during the methanogenic degradation of organic matter in the sediment of an acidic bog lake, Lake Grosse Fuchskuhle
Stable isotope fractionation during the methanogenic degradation of organic matter in the sediment an acidic bog lake Lake Grosse Fuchskuhle
Lake Grosse Fuchskuhle is an acidic bog lake, which develops an anoxic hypolimnion during the summer season, so that sediment organic matter is degraded anaerobically to CH4and CO2. The d13 C values o...
Methanogenic pathway, 13 C isotope fractionation, and archaeal community composition in the sediment of two clear-water lakes of Amazonia
isotope fractionation archaeal community composition
We studied the methanogenic pathway and archaeal community composition in the sediment of two clearwater lakes, Lake Batata and Lake Mussura, in Amazonia. We measured CH4 production and d13
C of CO2,...