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近日,中南大学湘雅医院神经内科、国家老年疾病临床医学研究中心(湘雅)王俊岭副教授、唐北沙教授团队在探索肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS)的遗传学因素研究中获得了重要进展,以“Identification of GGC repeat expansion in the NOTCH2NLC gene in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis”为题,在国际临床神经病学顶尖期刊、美国神经病学学...

宣武医院贾建平教授团队《The Lancet Neurology》论述我国宣武医院贾建平教授团队《The Lancet Neurology》论述我国痴呆患者现状并提出防控策略患者现状并提出防控策略(图)
贾建平教授团队 痴呆患者 认知障碍 宣武医院

近日,四川大学华西医院神经内科刘鸣教授团队与国内外知名脑血管病防治专家合作完成的长篇论文《中国脑卒中防治:进展与挑战》(Stroke in China: advances and challenges in epidemiology, prevention, and management)在世界神经病学排名第一的学术期刊《柳叶刀-神经病学》(Lancet Neurology 2019; 18: 3...
近日,我校2014级博士研究生胡舜通以中南大学湘雅三医院为第一单位在神经病学权威期刊《Annals of Neurology》(IF=10.244)上发表封面文章《SomaticDepdc5deletion recapitulates electroclinical features of human focal cortical dysplasia type IIA》。该生为湘雅三医院“汇智育才...

首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科刘疏影医师于2月15日在《Lancet Neurology》(IF 26.28)上发表论文,题目为“The effect of LRRK2 mutations on the cholinergic system in manifest and premanifest stages of Parkinson's disease: a cross-sectional PET...
近期,天津医科大学施福东教授领衔的总医院临床神经免疫研究团队利用蛋白酶体抑制剂硼替佐米(Bortezomib)有效控制了视神经脊髓炎谱系疾病的复发,该团队在系列创新研究中又为视神经脊髓炎谱系疾病患者增加了一项全新的富有前景的治疗策略。团队总结了该项临床试验,即“Safety and Efficacy of Bortezomib in Patients With Highly Relapsing N...

Professor Christopher Bever Jr.,Department of Neurology at University of Maryland(图)
Department of Neurology at University of Maryland Professor Neurology

Associate Professor Charlene E. Hafer-Macko,Department of Neurology at University of Maryland(图)
Department of Neurology at University of Maryland Associate Professor skeletal muscles
Charlene E. Hafer-Macko, M.D. is an Associate Professor of Neurology with secondary appointments in Geriatrics and Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science in the University of Maryland, School of Medi...

Professor Steven J. Kittner,Department of Neurology at University of Maryland(图)
Department of Neurology at University of Maryland Professor Vascular Neurology

Associate Professor Mehrdad Shamloo,Department of Neurology&Neurological Sciences at Stanford(图)
Department of Neurology&Neurological Sciences at Stanford University Associate Professor Neurology
Mehrdad Shamloo received his doctoral degree in 1999 from the Wallenberg Neuroscience Center of Lund University in Sweden. He was recruited to the San Francisco Bay Area the same year where he held se...

Professor Yuen So,Department of Neurology&Neurological Sciences at Stanford University(图)
Department of Neurology&Neurological Sciences at Stanford University Professor Neuropathy

Professor Raymond A.Sobel,Department of Neurology&Neurological Sciences at Stanford University(图)
Department of Neurology&Neurological Sciences at Stanford University Professor Neurology

Professor Lawrence Steinman,Department of Neurology&Neurological Sciences at Stanford University(图)
Department of Neurology&Neurological Sciences at Stanford University Professor Neurology

Professor Thomas Sudhof,Department of Neurology&Neurological Sciences at Stanford University(图)
Department of Neurology&Neurological Sciences at Stanford University Professor Neurology

Associate Professor Donald Olson,Department of Neurology&Neurological Sciences at Stanford(图)
Department of Neurology&Neurological Sciences at Stanford University Associate Professor Neurology
Donald Olson,Associate Professor,Department of Neurology&Neurological Sciences at Stanford University.He is Honors&Awards:Neurology Clerkship Teaching Award, Stanford Medical Students (2006-2007);Lysi...