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云南大学地球科学学院周家喜研究员受邀担任国际期刊Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X副主编(Associate Editor)(图)
云南大学地球科学学院 周家喜 Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 副主编
近日,云南大学地球科学学院副院长、云南省高校关键矿产成矿学重点实验室主任周家喜研究员应邀担任国际地学期刊Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X副主编(Associate Editor)。Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X是Journal of Asian Earth Sciences(影响因子IF:3.059)的开放获取镜像期刊,具有...

兰州大学大气科学学院管晓丹教授等发表的最新科研进展荣登SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences封面(图)
兰州大学大气科学学院 管晓丹 教授 SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences封面 土地退化 生态环境恶化
近日,我国具有国际影响力的学术期刊SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences在线发表了兰州大学大气科学学院管晓丹教授(第一作者)、黄建平教授(通讯作者)与其他4位作者共同撰写的题为“Impact of oceans on climate change in drylands”的最新综述性文章。近日,该文以第62卷6期在SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences正式出版,...

兰州大学资源环境学院青年教师黄伟论文获得《Science China: Earth Sciences》2017年热点论文奖(图)
兰州大学资源环境学院 青年教师 黄伟 论文 Science China: Earth Sciences 2017年 热点论文奖
近日,《中国科学:地球科学》第十一届编委会第一次会议召开,会议遵循科学计量指标定量评价与同行专家定性评审相结合的原则,从每个学科中仅遴选出1篇“热点论文”。兰州大学资源环境学院西部环境教育部重点实验室青年教师黄伟和陈发虎院士等在2015年发表的题为“Definition of the core zone of the “westerlies-dominated climatic regime”, ...

国际SCI期刊Environmental Earth Sciences主编Jim LaMoreaux教授与Mine Water and the Environment副主编Wanfang Zhou教授应邀访问长安大学(图)
国际SCI期刊 Jim LaMoreaux教授 Wanfang Zhou教授 长安大学 水文气象 地质 水文地质
2017年7月17日,国际SCI期刊Environmental Earth Sciences主编Jim LaMoreaux教授与国际SCI期刊Mine Water and the Environment副主编Wanfang Zhou教授应我校李培月教授的邀请访问我校。环工学院院长钱会在环工学院三楼会议室会见了来宾,钱会院长就一年来学院的发展向来宾进行了介绍,李培月教授介绍了其主持的卓越青年项目的相...
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所匡文慧等自主研发的城市地表热环境生态调控模型(EcoCity)论文在Science China Earth Sciences发表
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 城市 地表热 环境生态
在国家自然科学基金重大项目(41590842)和面上项目(41371408)等的资助下,基于城市区位论、城市景观原理和地表辐射能量平衡理论,构建了城市建成区、功能区、不透水地表和绿地覆盖、建筑材质等级地表结构体系,开展了城市不同下垫面地表温度、空气温度、比辐射率、向下短波、反照率、向上/向下长波、潜热、显热和土壤热通量等10个以上参数Landsat TM/MODIS遥感地面同步观测实验,对地表结构...
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所匡文慧等在Science China Earth Sciences期刊发表亚洲人造地表覆盖时空分析的SCI论文
人造地表覆盖等级层次结构分类系统 人造地表覆盖精细化分类技术方法
Development of a Service Oriented Architecture Based GIS for Earth Sciences
Internet GIS Integration Distributed Computing Geophysics Distributed GIS
The studies of recent crustal movements are based on analyses of repeated geodetic measurements, and their combination with results of geophysical and geological investigations. It is obvious that a s...
Frontiers in earth sciences: new ideas and interpretation
alternative theories in the Earth sciences conventional theories in the Earth sciences
A one-day symposium on new and conventional ideas in plate tectonics and Mediterranean geodynamics was held in Rome on February 19, 2003 at the headquarters of INGV. There were two main reasons for su...
Letters in the earth sciences: written in the past useful in the future
scientific letters earth sciences seismolog
This contribution presents a balance of the research performed in some national and international projects concerning the history of seismology with a view to the scientific and historical use of scie...
Scientists and scientific associations in Catalonia (Spain) in the early 20th century: manuscript vs. published research in earth sciences
archives Catalonia scientific societies Eduard Fontserè
Culture in Catalonia and, specifically, science had an important rebirth in the second half of the 19th century. But, due to the lack of State support, development of earth physical sciences in Catalo...
Earth sciences in the correspondence of Ferdinando Viscont
Ferdinando Viscont Earth sciences
The publication of the correspondence of Ferdinando Visconti has recently brought into focus the moral and scientific importance of one of the most famous Neapolitan scientist of the 19th century. Aim...
The earth sciences in the scientific letters of Giovanni Capellini
Giovanni Capellini earth sciences
Professor of Geology at the University of Bologna from 1860, geologist, palaeontologist and archaeologist, in 1871 he organised, straight after the unification of Italy, the 5th International Congress...
Ethical and cultural value of the Earth sciences. Interview with Prof. Giulio Giorello
Giulio Giorello Earth science
Prof. Giulio Giorello is amongst the most prominent philosophers of science in Italy and in the world. He is currently Professor of the Philosophy of Science at the University of Milan, Director of th...
Interactive activities to stimulate debate and critical thinking about issues related to Earth sciences and sustainable development
Earth science education Sustainable development Exhibition Action research Critical thinking
During the International Year of Planet Earth (2007-2009), the Department of Earth Sciences of Turin University and a local Museum of Natural History promoted a project entitled, Understanding how the...
Social aspects of the Earth sciences. Interview with Prof. Franco Ferrarotti
social aspects geologists activity scientific information geoethics society
Franco Ferrarotti, Professor emeritus at ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome; since winning the first Chair in this discipline in Italy in 1961, he has been considered the Father of Italian Sociology. An...