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中国科学院国际人才计划国际杰出学者Susan B. Sinnott教授访问中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所(图)
中国科学院 国际人才计划 国际杰出学者 Susan B. Sinnott 教授 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所
应中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所所长宋力昕的邀请,中国科学院国际人才计划国际杰出学者Susan B. Sinnott教授于8月7日至8月20日访问了上海硅酸盐所,并受聘为上海硅酸盐所集成计算材料研究中心学术顾问。Sinnott教授现任美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学材料科学与工程系主任,是世界知名的计算材料学家,在原子尺度材料模拟领域做出了一系列原创性工作,享有很高的国际知名度和国际影响力。
美国科学院院士Susan S. Golden教授及加州大学圣地亚哥分校James W. Golden教授访问中国科学技术大学并做客“合肥大师论坛”(图)
美国科学院 院士 Susan S. Golden 教授 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 James W. Golden 中国科学技术大学 合肥大师论坛
2018年6月25日下午,应中国科学技术大学及合肥市科技局的邀请,美国科学院院士、美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校Susan S. Golden教授和加州大学圣地亚哥分校James W. Golden教授一行访问我校并做客“合肥大师论坛”,分别以“How Cyanobacteria tell time”和“Cyanobacterial genetic engineering”为题作了精彩的学术报告。报告会...
2016年12月5日,加拿大侯任土木工程协会主席、国家路面与交通运输科技中心主任、加拿大滑铁卢大学Susan Tighe教授一行应邀访问长安大学并出席“中加道路工程技术合作研究中心”揭牌仪式,长安大学赵均海副校长在学术交流中心贵宾厅亲切会见了来访客人。长安大学国际处、公路学院主要负责人陪同会见。
2016年10月17日,中国科学院上海巴斯德研究所“巴斯德讲坛”邀请,美国宾夕法尼亚大学Weiss, Susan R.教授在中国科学院上海巴斯德研究所会议报告厅为广大师生带来一场题为“Coronavirus-encoded2’,5’-phosphodiesterases that antagonize antiviral innate immunity”。报告会由蓝柯研究员主持。
Susan Armstrong worked as Professor of Translation Technology at the University of
Geneva until her retirement in 2014. She served as secretary to the European chapter of
the ACL from 1993–2000, rem...
Professor Susan Holmes,Department of Statistics at Stanford University(图)
Professor Statistics
Professor Holmes is also a director of the Mathematical & Computational Science Program.Research Statement: Applications to Biology, in particular phylogenetic trees. Computational statistics, in part...
Professor Susan Athey,Stanford Graduate School of Business(图)
Professor Susan Athey Stanford Graduate School of Business
Susan Athey’s research is in the areas of industrial organization, microeconomic theory, and applied econometrics. Her current research focuses on the design of auction-based marketplaces and the econ...
Professor Susan Feigelman,Department of Pediatrics at University of Maryland(图)
Department of Pediatrics at University of Maryland Professor General Pediatrics
Associate Professor Susan R. Mendley,Department of Pediatrics at University of Maryland(图)
Department of Pediatrics at University of Maryland Associate Professor Pediatric Nephrology
Dr. Mendley's research interests include the impact of chronic kidney disease on growth and neurocognitive development in children, and she plays an integral role in the NIDDK-sponsored Chronic Kidney...
Professor Susan D. Wolfsthal,Department of Microbiology & Immunology at University of Maryland(图)
Professor Susan D. Wolfsthal Department of Microbiology & Immunology at University of Maryland
Professor Susan K. Keay,Department of Microbiology & Immunology at University of Maryland(图)
Professor Susan K. Keay Department of Microbiology & Immunology at University of Maryland