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海南大学生态学院胡中民教授题为“Decoupling of greenness and gross primary productivity as aridity decreases”的论文入选ESI高被引论文
胡中民 ESI 高被引论文 植被生产力 生态系统
Land Cover and Land Use Change Decreases Net Ecosystem Production in Tropical Peatlands of West Kalimantan, Indonesia
deforestation forest logging tropical climate peat swamp forests oil palm estate NEP
Deforested and converted tropical peat swamp forests are susceptible to fires and are a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, information on the influence of land-use change (LUC) o...

DHA-rich n–3 fatty acid supplementation decreases DNA methylation in blood leukocytes: the OmegAD study
fish oil DHA EPA DNA methylation LINE-1 Alzheimer disease
Background: Dietary fish oils, rich in long-chain n–3 (ω-3) fatty acids (FAs) [e.g., docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n–3) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n–3)], modulate inflammatory reactions thro...
Repeated Prolonged Exercise Decreases Maximal Fat Oxidation in Older Men
Introduction/Purpose Fat metabolism and muscle adaptation was investigated in six older trained men (age, 61 ± 4 yr; V˙O2max, 48 ± 2 mL·kg−1·min−1) after repeated prolonged exercise).
Earlier snowmelt decreases streamflow,reduces forests'ability to regulate atmospheric carbon dioxide
snowmelt decreases streamflow reduces forests'ability atmospheric carbon dioxide
Earlier annual snowmelt periods may hinder the ability of forests to regulate atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), according to the results of a new study.The findings, published in Geophysical Research ...
Bees' ability to forage decreases as air pollution increases
Bees' ability forage decreases air pollution increases
Air pollutants interact with and break down plant-emitted scent molecules, which insect pollinators use to locate needed food, according to a team of researchers led by Penn State. The pollution...
Dietary supplementation with eicosapentaenoic acid, but not with other long-chain n−3 or n−6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, decreases natural killer cell activity in healthy subjects aged >55 y
Fish oil immunity natural killer cell
Animal studies showed that dietary flaxseed oil
[rich in the n3 polyunsaturated fatty acid -linolenic acid
(ALA)], evening primrose oil [rich in the n6 polyunsaturated
fatty acid -linolenic acid (...
Water incorporated into a food but not served with a food decreases energy intake in lean women
Energy density energy intake lean women
Previous research showed that decreasing the
energy density (kJ/g) of foods by adding water to them can lead
to reductions in energy intake. Few studies have examined how
water consumed as a bevera...
Low-dose folic acid supplementation decreases plasma homocysteine concentrations: a randomized trial
Supplements folic acid folate
An elevated plasma total homocysteine
concentration is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and neural
tube defects. A high daily intake of supplemental folic acid is
known to decrease total ho...
Dietary Bovine Colostrum Increases Villus Height and Decreases Small Intestine Weight in Early-weaned Pigs
Spray-Dried Bovine Colostrum Intestinal Histology Weaner Pigs Nutrition
This experiment examined the effect of dietary spray-dried bovine colostrum on intestinal histology and organ weights in early-weaned pigs. In a randomised complete block design, twelve 14-day-old wea...
Whey protein, amino acids, and vitamin D supplementation with physical activity increases fat-free mass and strength, functionality, and quality of life and decreases inflammation in sarcopenic elderly
amino acids dietary supplement elderly insulin-like growth factor I fat-free mass relative skeletal muscle mass sarcopenia vitamin D whey protein
Background: Interventions to attenuate the adverse effects of age-related loss of skeletal muscle and function include increased physical activity and nutritional supplementation.
A Proper Enteral Nutrition Support Improves Sequential Organ Failure Score and Decreases Length of Stay in Hospital in Burned Patients
Burns Enteral Nutrition Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
Background: Severe burned patients developed metabolic imbalances and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), which can lead to malnutrition, impaired immunologic response, multiple organ fail...
Proactive Serving Decreases User Delay Exponentially
Proactive Serving User Delay Exponentially
In online service systems, the delay experienced by a user from the service request to the service completion is one of the most critical performance metrics. To improve user de-lay experience, recent...
An Acute Lateral Ankle Sprain Significantly Decreases Physical Activity across the Lifespan
Ankle injury physical activity exercise mice
We do not know the impact an ankle sprain has on physical activity levels across the lifespan. With the negative consequences of physical inactivity well established, understanding the effect of an an...