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李晓江团队发表Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences论文:再次证实利用大动物猴与小鼠模型在研究人脑神经退行性疾病机制上的重要区别(图)
暨南大学 粤港澳 中枢神经再生
2024年1月9日,暨南大学粤港澳中枢神经再生研究院李晓江和殷鹏团队在国际著名期刊Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences(IF 8.0)上发表了题为Loss of TDP-43 mediates severe neurotoxicity by suppressing PJA1 gene transcription in the monkey brain(论文链接:...
内蒙古大学生命科学学院包斯琴、李喜和教授、吴宝江特聘副研究员团队在Science China Life Sciences发表关于胚胎干细胞快速、高效、广谱类囊胚诱导体系的最新研究成果(图)
内蒙古大学 包斯琴 李喜和 吴宝江 Science China Life Sciences 胚胎干细胞 囊胚
近日,内蒙古大学生命科学学院包斯琴教授、李喜和教授与北京大学汤富酬教授团队合作在Science China Life Sciences(《中国科学:生命科学》英文版)发表题为“Blastoids generated purely from embryonic stem cells both in mice and humans”的文章。该工作开发了一种在化学成分明确的培养条件中,使用一步法加单因子...
唐北沙教授团队、刘静宇研究员团队和张珞颖教授团队在《Science China Life Sciences》发表mTOR通路相关遗传性癫痫研究新成果(图)
神经内科 唐北沙教授 刘静宇研究员 遗传性癫痫 脑部疾病
近日,《Science China Life Sciences》期刊(IF:10.372)在线发表了题为《Functional characterization of novel NPRL3 mutations identified in three families with focal epilepsy(在三个局灶性癫痫家系中发现的NPRL3基因新突变的功能特征)》的原创性研究论著,该研究由中...
武汉轻工大学动物科学与营养工程学院刘玉兰教授团队在《SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences》发表重要研究成果(图)
硒 堇叶碎米荠 脂多糖 仔猪 肠道损伤 分子机制
近日,武汉轻工大学动物科学与营养工程学院刘玉兰教授团队在中国优秀学术期刊《SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences》(影响因子10.372,中科院1区top期刊)在线发表题为“Selenium-enriched Cardamine violifolia protects against sepsis-induced intestinal injury by regulating mi...
浙江大学生命科学学院 生化所金勇丰课题组联合国内外学者在SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences撰文综述RNA结构的前沿进展(图)
金勇丰 编码蛋白信息 分子催化 三维空间
RNA分子具有编码蛋白信息的功能,还是遗传信息传递的重要介质。三维空间上的折叠赋予RNA分子催化、调控、感知和结构支架等功能。RNA结构的算法预测、全局RNA结构图谱绘制、3D RNA结构的分子解析将有助于研究RNA在各种生理和病理过程中的功能及其调控机制。近几年来,已经开发了一系列新技术来解码全基因组体内RNA结构,阐析了新的功能范式,为研究RNA结构介导的疾病发生机理及相关疾病的预防与治疗提供...
人际互动是人类社会的基本特征,它涉及人类生活的方方面面。在日常生活中,人们面临的许多决策都具有社会性。决策者不仅关注自己的绝对收益所带来的决策效用,也同时会将利益相关他人的收益纳入考量,这具体表现为他人的收益会增加或者减少决策者的决策效用。具有这类决策模式的个体被认为是社会倾向(social preference)的。这种考量的动机可能出于决策者对群体长远利益的追求或者决策者存粹的利他行为。同时,...
The life sciences have become increasingly quantitative as new technologies facilitate collection and analysis of vast amounts of data ranging from complete genomic sequences of organisms to satellite...
2017生命科学集群,云和网格研讨会(Workshop on Clusters, Clouds and Grids for Life Sciences )(CCGrid – Life 2017)
生命科学集群 云 网格 研讨会
Today, biomedicine and bioinformatics rely heavily on large scale computational resources, as they typically employ data- and compute- intensive methods. Omics, biomedical imaging and computational mo...
2017生命科学中的核磁共振前沿 Keystone Symposia(2017 Keystone Symposia on Frontiers of NMR in Life Sciences)
Immunity Neurodegeneration
The meeting will begin on Sunday, March 12 with registration from 16:00 to 20:00 and a welcome mixer from 18:00 to 20:00. Conference events conclude on Thursday, March 16 with a closing plenary sessio...
2017生命科学中的核磁共振前沿 Keystone Symposia (2017 Keystone Symposia on Frontiers of NMR in Life Sciences)
2017 生命科学中的核磁共振 前沿 Keystone Symposia
The NMR principle is widely applied in structural biology, biomedical research and clinical diagnosis. This conference will highlight progress in solution and solid state NMR methods and recent advanc...
Symposium PM2—Plasma Processing via Liquid for Life Sciences and Environmental Applications
plasma plasma applications
Nowadays plasma impacts many areas in life sciences and environmental applications including medicine, biology, agriculture, environmental remediation and so on, which were regarded as out of field in...
Complex-Dynamical Extension of the Fractal Paradigm and Its Applications in Life Sciences
Dynamic multivaluedness entanglement complexity chaos probabilistic fractal living fractal genomics constructive genetics genome interaction genetic bomb integral medicine biofractal biomathematics
Complex-dynamical fractal is a hierarchy of permanently, chaotically changing versions of system structure, obtained as the unreduced, causally probabilistic general solution of arbitrary interaction ...
Careers and Contradictions: Faculty Responses to the Transformation of Knowledge and its Uses in the Life Sciences
Careers Contradictions Transformation
Drawing on interviews with more than 80 scientists on two university campuses,
we create a typology that offers insights into how transformations in the nature and locus
of life science innovation...
A Comparison of U.S. and European University- Industry Relations in the Life Sciences
European University- Industry Relations Life Sciences
We draw upon diverse datasets to compare the institutional organizational of upstream life
science research across the United States and Europe. Understanding cross-national
differences in the org...