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中国科学院动物研究所 专利 hnRNP A2*蛋白质 核酸
中国科学院动物研究所专利:Delayed senescence, malignant conversion of human mesenchymal stem cells can be a resistor, its preparation and use
中国科学院动物研究所 专利 人骨髓间 充质干细胞
Hydrological simulation of a small forested catchment under different land use and forest management
Hydrological Modeling Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Atlantic Rainforest Eucalyptus
The alteration of landscapes by humans has led to a gradual increase in the scarcity of water and degradation of its quality ([24]). Over the last decades, there has been a growing consensus that the ...
Use of Optimization Modeling to Assess the Effect of Timber and Carbon Pricing on Harvest Scheduling, Carbon Sequestration, and Net Present Value of Eucalyptus Plantations
timber harvest scheduling mixed-integer programming harvest age carbon sequestration
Quantifying the impact of carbon (C) and timber prices on harvest scheduling and economic returns is essential to define strategies for the sustainable management of short-rotation plantations so that...
Land Cover and Land Use Change Decreases Net Ecosystem Production in Tropical Peatlands of West Kalimantan, Indonesia
deforestation forest logging tropical climate peat swamp forests oil palm estate NEP
Deforested and converted tropical peat swamp forests are susceptible to fires and are a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, information on the influence of land-use change (LUC) o...
Climate-Based Regionalization and Inclusion of Spectral Indices for Enhancing Transboundary Land-Use/Cover Classification Using Deep Learning and Machine Learning
machine learning ratio-based indices orthogonal indices Koppen–Geiger climate regionalization landscape change remote sensing landcover
Accurate land use and cover data are essential for effective land-use planning, hydrological modeling, and policy development. Since the Okavango Delta is a transboundary Ramsar site, managing natural...
Higher leaf nitrogen content is linked to tighter stomatal regulation of transpiration and more efficient water use across dryland trees
arid ecosystems ci/ca ratio leafδ13C leaf δ18O plant isotopic composition
The least-cost economic theory of photosynthesis shows that water and nitrogen are mutually substitutable resources to achieve a given carbon gain. However, vegetation in the Sahel has to cope with th...
Amplifying effects of recurrent drought on the dynamics of tree growth and water use in a subalpine forest
dehydration dynamics drought legacy effects stem capacitance
Despite recent advances in our understanding of drought impacts on tree functioning, we lack knowledge about the dynamic responses of mature trees to recurrent drought stress. At a subalpine forest si...
Convergence in water use efficiency within plant functional types across contrasting climates
water use efficiency plant functional types climates grassland permanent wetland savannah deciduous broadleaf and deciduous needleleaf forest
Water use efficiency (WUE) provides a direct measure of the inextricable link between plant carbon uptake and water loss, and it can be used to study how ecosystem function varies with climate. We ana...
Drought impacts on tree carbon sequestration and water use - evidence from intra-annual tree-ring characteristics
carbon sequestration extreme drought intrinsic water-use efficiency physiological drought point dendrometer quantitative wood anatomys table carbon isotopes xylogenesis
The impact of climate extremes on forest ecosystems is poorly understood but important for predicting carbon and water cycle feedbacks to climate. Some knowledge gaps still remain regarding how drough...

南京农业大学农学院《Nature Plants》发表李姗教授课题组“Improving rice nitrogen-use efficiency by modulating a novel monouniquitination machinery for optimal root plasticity response to nitrogen”(图)
李姗 调控水稻根系 分子机制 基因资源
2023年10月7日,Nature plants在线发表了南京农业大学李姗教授团队题为“Improving rice nitrogen-use efficiency by modulating a novel monouniquitination machinery for optimal root plasticity response to nitrogen”的研究论文。该团队在水稻中鉴定到一...