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2021年 活动星系核 超大质量黑洞 国际研讨会
2021年10月11-13日,由重庆大学、中国科学院上海天文台和中国科学技术大学共同主办的“2021年东亚活动星系核研讨会” 在重庆大学顺利召开。自2012年举办第一次研讨会以来,这是在东亚召开的活动星系核与超大质量黑洞研究系列研讨会的第七次会议。研讨会面向东亚所有对活动星系核相关研究领域感兴趣的研究人员,共有218位来自中国(包括中国台湾)、日本、韩国等的专家学者注册参会。
第14届国际固体辐照效应计算机模拟会议(14 th International Conference on COmputer SImulation of Radiation Effects in Solids)
第14届 国际固体辐照效应计算机模拟 会议
COSIRES 2018 is the 14th in a series of international conferences on Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids, the first of which was held in Berlin (Germany) in 1992. This conference, which...
2018年 反应堆物理 会议
In February 2018, the Aerospace Nuclear Science & Technology Division (ANSTD) of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) will hold the 2018 Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS-2018) topical m...
2017核物理与核相关技术研讨会(Workshop on Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Related Techniques)
2017 核物理与核相关技术 研讨会
The WONP-NURT Symposia are among the key Cuban scientific meetings dealing with the peaceful applications of nuclear techniques in several domains of the society. These Symposia provide an opportunity...
第十二届拉丁美洲核物理与应用研讨会(XII Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications)
第十二届 拉丁美洲核物理与应用 研讨会
The LASNPA (Latin-American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications) is a traditional symposium which takes place every two years since 1995 in different countries of Latin America. For the next ...
2017届国际中微子加速器研讨会(The 2017 International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators)
2017届 国际中微子加速器 研讨会
NUFACT2017 is the nineteenth in the series of yearly international workshops which started in 1999 and which until now was called International Workshop on Neutrino Factories. The change of name to In...
Aside from fundamental particle properties such as masses, mixing angles, CP-violating phases and the Dirac- or Majorana character, neutrinos play a crucial role in cosmological settings. Major experi...
欧洲原子系统组第四十九次会议(The 49th Conference of the European Group on Atomic Systems)
欧洲原子系统组 第四十九次 会议
The 49th Conference of the European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS) will be held at Durham University in the United Kingdom from 17th to 21st July, 2017. EGAS is a division of the European Physical Soc...
北京师范大学 第二届 核科学与技术优秀大学生 夏令营
The Fifth Annual Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics
The Fifth Annual Conference Large Hadron Collider Physics
The fifth annual Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2017) conference will be held in Shanghai, China and hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University on May 15-20, 2017.The LHCP conference series started i...
Important scientific problems that can be addressed by NRS techniques in various fields like geophysics, biochemistry, and materials science.Beamlines and instrumentation development for NRS: current ...
2017生命科学中的核磁共振前沿 Keystone Symposia (2017 Keystone Symposia on Frontiers of NMR in Life Sciences)
2017 生命科学中的核磁共振 前沿 Keystone Symposia
The NMR principle is widely applied in structural biology, biomedical research and clinical diagnosis. This conference will highlight progress in solution and solid state NMR methods and recent advanc...

2016年11月3日至5日,第十七届国际下一代核子衰变和中微子探测器研讨会(International Workshop for the Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detector,简称NNN)在中国科学院高能物理研究所召开。来自加拿大、法国、德国、印度、意大利、日本、韩国、荷兰、波兰、俄罗斯、西班牙、瑞士、英国、美国、中国大陆和台湾地区...