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Analysis of Experiments Exhibiting Time-Varying Nuclear Decay Rates: Systematic Effects or New Physics?
Exhibiting Time-Varying Nuclear Decay Rates Systematic Effects
Since the 1930s, and with very few exceptions, it has been assumed that the process of radioactive decay is a random process, unaffected by the environment in which the decaying nucleus resides. There...
Searching for the QCD Critical Point Using Particle Ratio Fluctuations and Higher Moments of Multiplicity Distributions
QCD Particle Ratio Fluctuations Multiplicity Distributions
Dynamical fluctuations in global conserved quantities such as baryon number, strangeness, or charge may be observed near a QCD critical point. Results from new measurements of dynamical $K/\pi$, $p/\p...
A Study of the QCD Critical Point Using Particle Ratio Fluctuations
QCD Critical Point Particle Ratio Fluctuations
Dynamical fluctuations in global conserved quantities such as baryon number, strangeness, or charge may be observed near a QCD critical point. Results from new measurements of dynamical $K/\pi$ and $p...
Measurement of the nuclear modification factor of electrons from heavy-flavour decays at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV with ALICE
nuclear modification electrons heavy-flavour decays Pb-Pb collisions
We present results on inclusive electrons for 1.5 $ < p_{\rm T} < $ 6 GeV/$c$ in {Pb-Pb} collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV measured with ALICE at the LHC and compare these to a cocktail of ...
Untriggered di-hadron correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} =$ 2.76 TeV from ALICE
Pb-Pb collisions Untriggered di-hadron correlations ALICE
We present measurements of untriggered di-hadron correlations as a function of centrality in Pb-Pb \sNN collisions, for charged hadrons with $p_{T} > 0.15$ GeV$/c$. These measurements provide a map of...
New Way to Produce Dense Double-Antikaonic Dibaryon System, \bar{K}\bar{K} NN, through Lambda(1405)-Doorway Sticking in p+p Collisions
Dense Double-Antikaonic Dibaryon System p+p Collisions
A recent successful observation of a dense and deeply bound \bar{K} nuclear system, K^-pp, in the p + p \rightarrow K^+ + K^-pp reaction in a DISTO experiment indicates that the double-\bar{K} dibaryo...
Evidence for Time-Varying Nuclear Decay Rates: Experimental Results and Their Implications for New Physics
Time-Varying Nuclear Decay Rates New Physics
Unexplained annual variations in nuclear decay rates have been reported in recent years by a number of groups. We show that data from these experiments exhibit not only variations in time related to E...
Dephasing in coherently-split quasicondensates
Dephasing coherently-split quasicondensates
We numerically model the evolution of a pair of coherently split quasicondensates. A truly
one-dimensional case is assumed, so that the loss of the (initially high) coherence between the
two quasico...
Laser and Microwave Excitations of Rabi Oscillations of a Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Electron Spin in Diamond
Laser Microwave Excitations Rabi Oscillations Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Electron Spin Diamond
A collapse and revival shape of Rabi oscillations of a single Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) center electron spin has been observed in diamond at room temperature. Because of hyperfine interaction between the ...
高温气冷堆 一回路 氦气品质
10 MW高温气冷堆以氦气作为冷却剂,氦气中含有H2O、CO2、H2、CO、CH4、N2、O2等7种影响氦气品质的杂质。分析反应堆在不同工况下的氦气品质数据的变化规律,可证明一回路氦气在反应堆功率运行过程中经氦气净化系统净化后,氦气品质能够满足技术规格书要求。但随一回路氦气平均温度的升高,氦气品质呈下降趋势,并可初步判断存在缓慢变化的杂质源项为水。
射流 Al 圆孔靶
加速器驱动的次临界系统 启明星1#次临界装置 MCNP程序 裂变率分布
启明星1#次临界装置是我国为开展加速器驱动的次临界系统(ADS)研究而建立的国际上第1个具有快-热耦合结构的次临界反应堆实验装置。启明星1#次临界装置在确定的装载下、由不同能量的外中子源作用时,利用MCNP程序分别对装置快中子能谱区、热中子能谱区燃料元件的径向及轴向裂变率分布进行模拟计算,所使用外中子源的中子能量分别为2.5、5、14 MeV。计算结果表明:在外中子源源强相同的情况下,源中子能量越...
气凝胶 块体 无机分散溶胶凝胶法
裂变 裂变 中等质量核
本工作采用固体径迹探测器和半导体探测器测量了120MeV 14N+118Sn和138MeV 20Ne+118Sn裂变碎片角分布. 使用建立在统计模型基础上的碎片角分布理论公式拟合实验上测量的碎片角分布. 由碎片角分布各向异性计算中中等质量裂变核在鞍点的有效转动惯量Jeff, 并且讨论了在参数Z2/A<30的区域内核的鞍点形变.