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《古新圣经残稿》 郑海娟 《古新圣经》
郑海娟《古新圣经残稿》:乾嘉年间,法国来华耶稣会士贺清泰(Louis de Poirot, 1735-1814)将拉丁文武加大圣经译为白话汉语,并添加注解,计一百万字有余,名为《古新圣经》。本书以上海徐家汇藏书楼所藏《古新圣经》抄本为基础,兼参照香港思高圣经协会及台湾中研院傅斯年图书馆所藏相关抄本,点以句读、加以校勘而成。

圣经政治哲学 《撒母耳记上》 释义
作为中国文学之《圣经》: 麦都思、王韬与“《圣经》委办本”
圣经翻译 麦都思 王韬
在 19世纪,中国最大的一项翻译工程大概要算是《圣经》翻译了。从 19世纪 20年代到60年代,先后有五种《圣经》中译本由新教宣教会完成并出版问世。本文所讨论之《圣经》委办本,亦涉及许多传教士和他们的中国助手。围绕《圣经》中译之方法,传教士之间发生了激烈争吵。争论的焦点主要集中于究竟是绝对忠实于希伯来和希腊原文,还是要保证中国读者能够读懂接受。争论的第二个焦点在于中译本的文言水平(白话《圣经》中译...
Keys to the Bible
Keys Bible
In order to understand the nature of the Bible and its meaning, it is
essential to have recourse to the ideas of both symbolism and revelation;
without an exact and, in the measure necessary, suffic...
基督教 现代白话文学 圣经
Illustrations of the Book of Esther in Some Nineteenth-Century Sources
Esther Nineteenth-Century
The nineteenth century spans the rise of the biblical archaeology movement and the assimilation of ancient Persian and Assyro-Babylonian iconography into the erewhon-world of biblical illustration. It...
Karl Marx is, along with Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud, the most influential figure of late nineteenth century European thought, and, even more so than the other two, his works have made his a hous...
Most study of Paul and asceticism focuses on 1 Corinthians 7 and the apostle’s attitude toward sexuality and marriage, comparing it with Hellenistic and Jewish sexual ethics. Oddly, very little attent...
The Prophet Jeremiah, Aung San Suu Kyi, and U2's All That You Can't Leave Behind: On Listening to Bono's Jeremiad
biblical imagery motifs
There is nothing remarkable about finding traces of biblical imagery and motifs in popular culture. What is less commonplace are examples of secular "texts" offering thoughtful readings and applicatio...
Is the biblical chronicle of the monarchy of kings David and Solomon merely the stuff of
romanticized, ideological legend, like some Camelot of the Ancient Near East? Or are the
ruinous city walls a...
Biblical Assyria and Other Anxieties in the British Empire
Biblical Assyria Other Anxieties British Empire
British imperialism in Western Asia exercised a staggering impact on biblical studies through, among other exploits, the excavation of Assyrian palaces and the unveiling of the results before the insu...
Once the internet became widely accessible, it offered the hope of inexpensive education to the masses, especially to those who are unable to benefit from a traditional university curriculum as a resu...
Sodom and Gomorrah(Genesis 19:1-29)on the Internet The Implications of the Internet for the Study of the Bible
Internet Bible
When the Internet became accessible to the wider American public during the 1990s, people reacted in several ways. One group worried about the societal consequences of this technology. They imagined t...