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Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Richberg's extension theory
里奇伯格 扩展理论 多次调和函数扩展 卡勒几何
Adapting techniques of Misiurewicz, for 1 ≤ r < ∞ we give an explicit construction of Cr maps with positiveresidual entropy. We also establish the behavior of symbolic extension entropy with respect t...
An Extension of Barbashin-Kraso vski-LaSalle Theorem to a Class of Nonautonomous Systems
Barbashin-Kraso vski-LaSalle Theorem Class of Nonautonomous Systems
An Extension of Barbashin-Kraso vski-LaSalle Theorem to a Class of Nonautonomous Systems.
An Explicit Harmonic Extension for the Constant-like Basis and Its Application to Domain Decompositions
domain decomposition coarse subspace constant-like basis nearly harmonic extension preconditioner inexact solvers condition number
In this paper we are concerned with substructuring methods for the second-order
elliptic problems in three-dimensional domains. We 痳st design a simple and completely
explicit nearly harmonic extensi...
Remarks on the extension of the Ricci flow
Remarks the extension of the Ricci flow Differential Geometry
We present two new conditions to extend the Ricci flow on a compact manifold over a finite time, which are improvements of some known extension theorems.
An extension of solutions to convolution equations with the loss of smoothness
Homogeneous convolution equations mean periodic functions zeros of entire functions
In the present paper the smoothness loss of an extension of solutions to convolution equations is studied. Also examples for some kinds of convolvers are given.
Non-holomorphic projections and extension of biholomorphic mappings
Non-holomorphic projections extension of biholomorphic mappings Complex Variables
We show that biholomorphic mappings between two bounded, pseudoconvex domains with smooth boundary extend smoothly to the boundaries of the domains, under a regularity condition on a family of twisted...
Real analytic expansion of spectral projection and extension of Hecke-Bochner identity
Coxeter group Hecke-Bochner identity Heisenberg group Laguerre polynomials spherical harmonics twisted convolution
In this article, we review the Weyl correspondence of bigraded spherical harmonics and use it to extend the Hecke-Bochner identities for the spectral projections $f\times\varphi_k^{n-1}$ for function ...
The Linnik phenomenon concerning the repelling effect of Siegel's zeros is extended to L-functions in a family wider than hitherto considered.
An extension of the modified Sawada-Kotera equation and conservation laws
fundamental mathematics spectralproblem integrable nonlinear evolution equations conservationlaws
Based onthe modified Sawada-Kotera equation, we introduce a 3×3 matrix spectral problem with two potentials and derive a hierarchyof new nonlinear evolution equations. The second member in thehierarch...
The extension and convergence of mean curvature flow in higher codimension
extension convergence mean curvature higher codimension
In this paper, we first investigate the integral curvature condition to extend the mean curvature flow of submanifolds in a Riemannian manifold with codimension d 1, which generalizes the extension t...
A New Extension of Hilbert-type Integral Inequality with Two Pairs of Conjugate Exponents
mathematical analysis Hilbert's type integral inequality conjugate exponent Holder inequality equivalent form
In the paper, by introducing two pairs of conjugate exponents(p,q) and (r,s), we establish a new generalizations of the Hilbert-type ineqaulity with a best constant. As application, the reverse and it...
Extension of the $ν$-metric for stabilizable plants over $H^\infty$
ν-metric robust control Hardy algebra
Abstract: An abstract $\nu$-metric was introduced by Ball and Sasane, with a view towards extending the classical $\nu$-metric of Vinnicombe from the case of rational transfer functions to more genera...
$\mathcal{C}^{\infty}$-hypoellipticity and extension of $CR$ function
CR-hypoelliptic CR-embedding holomorphic extension C∞ wave front set holomorphic wedge extension
Abstract: Let $M$ be a $CR$ submanifold of a complex manifold $X$. The main result of this article is to show that $CR$-hypoellipticity at $p_0\in{M}$ is necessary and sufficient for holomorphic exten...
An Efficient Algorithm for Maximum-Entropy Extension of Block-Circulant Covariance Matrices
Efficient Algorithm Maximum-Entropy Extension Block-Circulant Covariance Matrices Optimization and Control
Abstract: This paper deals with maximum entropy completion of partially specified block-circulant matrices. Since positive definite symmetric circulants happen to be covariance matrices of stationary ...