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2022年1月10日,中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所强场物理国家重点实验室研究团队在超强激光驱动的量子电动力学(QED)效应方面取得新的进展,揭示了非理想真空情况下的激光光强极限,相关研究成果发表于Photonics Research。
近日,中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所原子分子外场理论组在少体分子束缚态量子电动力学(QED)理论研究中取得新进展,完整地导出了氢分子离子体系中自旋无关的高阶相对论mα6阶等效哈密顿量。氢分子离子H2+(以及D2+, HD+等)是最简单的分子体系,其振转跃迁频率在实验上可以被高精度测量,同时在理论上也可以采用束缚态QED理论进行高精度计算。因此人们可以借助氢分子离子精密谱来检验束缚态QED理论和导出...
近日,中科院武汉物理与数学研究所原子分子外场理论组在少体分子束缚态量子电动力学(QED)理论上取得了重要进展,完整地导出了氢分子离子体系中自旋无关的高阶相对论mα6阶等效哈密顿量。氢分子离子H2+(以及D2+, HD+等)是最简单的分子体系,其振转跃迁频率在实验上可以被高精度测量,同时在理论上也可以采用束缚态QED理论进行高精度计算。因此人们可以借助氢分子离子精密谱来检验束缚态QED理论和导出基本...
Sum rules for magnetic moments and polarizabilities in QED and chiral effective-field theory
Anomalous magnetic moment the cross section of discrete integral number arsene wenger reproduction
We elaborate on a recently proposed extension of the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn (GDH) sum rule which is achieved by taking derivatives with respect to the anomalous magnetic moment. The new sum rule featur...
量子光学 控制逻辑门 控制变量法 腔量子点动力学
Quasiclassical approach to high-energy QED processes in strong laser and atomic fields
Quasiclassical high-energy QED processes strong laser atomic fields Atomic Physics
An approach, based on the use of the quasiclassical Green's function, is developed for investigating high-energy quantum electrodynamical processes in combined strong laser and atomic fields. Employin...
QED model of the radiation escape from the matter
QED model radiation escape the matter Atomic Physics
A simple model based on QED is presented for the estimation of contribution of the excited level few-photon decays to the radiation escape from the matter in the epoch of the cosmological hydrogen rec...
QED theory of the multiphoton cascade transitions in atoms
QED theory the multiphoton cascade transitions atoms Atomic Physics
QED theory of multiphoton cascade transitions in atoms and ions is developed. This theory allows for the accurate description of the process important for astrophysical studies of the cosmological hyd...
Study of Simulation Method of Time Evolution in Rigged QED
Study of Simulation Method Time Evolution Rigged QED Atomic Physics
We discuss how we formulate time evolution of physical quantities in the framework of the Rigged QED (Quantum Electrodynamics). The Rigged QED is a theory which has been proposed to treat dynamics of ...
量子光学 量子纠缠 转置矩阵负本征值 纠缠突然死亡
Regard Renormalization in QED as Functor between Categories
Regard Renormalization QED Functor between Categories Mathematical Physics
Abstract: To unify the quantum electrodynamics (QED) under the first principle which brings the renormalization unartificially, we study Feynman diagrams in QED according to the set theory and the cat...
Finite-temperature nonlinear dynamics in cavity QED: A Thermofield Dynamics Approach
Finite-temperature dynamics Thermofield Dynamics Approach
Heath-bath effects in the dynamics of atom + cavity system are studied. The temperature effects are explored using thermofield dynamics formalism. It is found that the dynamics of the system is sensit...
QED theory of the nuclear magnetic shielding in hydrogen-like ions
QED theory hydrogen-like ions
The shielding of the nuclear magnetic moment by the bound electron in hydrogen-like ions is calculated ab initio with inclusion of relativistic, nuclear, and quantum electrodynamics (QED) effects. The...