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中国地质大学科学技术发展院谢爽(博士研究生),文章*, 等,环境学院. Journal of Hydrology (2019), A new model approach for reactive solute transport in dual-permeability media with depth-dependent reaction ,coefficients
近日,国际著名期刊《Journal of Hydrology》刊发了中国地质大学环境学院文章教授团队的最新研究成果——“A new model approach for reactive solute transport in dual-permeability media with depth-dependent reaction coefficients”。该文第一作者为环境学院2018级博士...
Chain Reaction of Mountainside Disasters and its Dispersing Impact on the Traffic and Transportation Network
Chain Reaction Dispersing Impact Inner Variable
There are much mountainous areas in China. Mountainous traffic is greatly different from the plain.Interrelation of mountain landform and the traffic there is analyzed first. Because mountainous traff...
Dissolution Kintics of Calcium Carbonate Minerals in H2O-CO2 Solutions in Turbulent Flow:the role of the diffusion boundry layer and the solw reaction H2O+CO2←→H(+)HCO3
Reaction Mechanisms of Smectite Illitization Associated with Hydrothermal Alteration from Ponza Island, Italy
Atomic Force Microscopy Chemical Analysis Illite Polytype Smectite XRD
Abstract: A hydrothermally altered rhyolitic hyaloclastite from Ponza island, Italy, has four alteration zones with unique clay assemblages: (1) a non-pervasive argillic zone characterized by smectite...
Evolution of Fundamental-Particle Size during Illitization of Smectite and Implications for Reaction Mechanism
Crystal Growth Fundamental Particle Illite-Smectite Illitization Mechanism Lognormal Distribution Ostwald Ripening
Abstract: Area-weighted thickness distributions of fundamental illite particles for samples of illite and illite-smectite from seven locations (including bentonites and hydrothermally altered pyroclas...
Sequential kinetics of a muscovite-out reaction: A natural example
Sequential kinetics a muscovite-out reaction:A natural example
A natural example of sequential kinetics for the muscovite dehydration reaction in highly de-
formed mylonitic gneisses is analyzed. Studied textures consist of deformed pegmatitic muscovite
Solid-solid reactions mediated by a gas phase: An experimental study of reaction progress and the role of surfaces in the system olivine+iron metal
Solid-solid reactions olivine+iron metal
The intergranular fluid involved in solid-solid reactions is tacitly assumed to be a melt or a (C-O-H-S-Cl-F)-bearing phase. We have studied the system olivine 1metal using dif-fusion couple experimen...
Experimental determination of the reaction: Magnesite + enstatite = forsterite + CO2 in the ranges 6-25 kbar and 700-1100 篊
Experimental determination Magnesite + enstatite = forsterite + CO2
he P - T equilibrium curve of the reaction of magnesite 1 enstatite 5 forsterite and CO2 was determined in the ranges 6?5 kbar and 700?100 8 C by 53 reversed experiments carried out in 1.91 cm diamete...
The reaction talc + forsterite = enstatite + H2O: New experimental results and petrological implications
reaction talc H2O New experimental results
The reaction talc 1 forsterite 5 enstatite 1 H2O has been investigated between 6 and 20 kbar. Previous high-pressure experimental studies suggested various reaction positions,mostly with positive P - ...
Reversed determination of the reaction: Phlogopite + quartz = enstatite + potassium feldspar + H2O in the ranges 750-875 篊 and 2-12 kbar at low H2O activity with concentrated KCl soluctions
Reversed determination Phlogopite + quartz = enstatite + potassium feldspar + H2O H2O KCl soluctions
The reaction of phlogopite plus quartz to enstatite, potassium feldspar, and aqueous fluid in the system KMASH-KCl was reversed at 2?2 kbar and 750?75 8C and at low H2O activities by reversal of the H...
Formation of Spinel from a Hydrotalcite-Like Compound at Low Temperature: Reaction between Edges of Crystallites
Double Hydroxide Grinding Hydrotalcite Reconstruction Spinel Thermal Decomposition
Abstract: The thermal decomposition behavior of hydrotalcite-like compounds (HTlcs) prepared by reconstruction of calcined HTlcs is described. From the results of X-ray diffraction (XRD), it seems tha...
Frio Shale Mineralogy and the Stoichiometry of the Smectite-to-Illite Reaction: The Most Important Reaction in Clastic Sedimentary Diagenesis
Diagenesis Illite-Smectite Mass Balance Mineralogy Shale
Abstract: Burial diagenesis of shales of the Frio Formation resulted in an increase in the abundance of mixed-layer illite-smectite (I-S), albite and chlorite, and a decrease in the abundance of K-fel...
Comparison of Structural Models of Mixed-Layer Illite/Smectite and Reaction Mechanisms of Smectite Illitization
Illite Illite/Smectite Mixed-Layer Reaction Mechanism Smectite
Abstract: This paper compares mechanisms of the reaction of smectite to illite, in light of structural models for interstratified illite/smectite (I/S). The crystal structure of I/S has been described...
Experimental investigation of laumontite → wairakite + H2O: A model diagenetic reaction
Experimental investigation laumontite → wairakite + H2O model diagenetic reaction
Therateandmechanismofakeydiageneticreaction,laumontite ? wairakite H O,havebeendeterminedinexperimentswithdurationsaslongasthreemonthsatPHO2100MPaandtemperaturesof350¤C45C.Inthelowertemperaturerange,3...
Reaction between magnesiowüstite of lower mantle composition and core-forming Fe-Ni alloy at 1-40 Gpa
Reaction magnesiowüstite lower mantle composition core-forming Fe-Ni alloy 1-40 Gpa