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中国地质大学科学技术发展院谢爽(博士研究生),文章*, 等,环境学院. Journal of Hydrology (2019), A new model approach for reactive solute transport in dual-permeability media with depth-dependent reaction ,coefficients
近日,国际著名期刊《Journal of Hydrology》刊发了中国地质大学环境学院文章教授团队的最新研究成果——“A new model approach for reactive solute transport in dual-permeability media with depth-dependent reaction coefficients”。该文第一作者为环境学院2018级博士...
关于举办“Turbulent Mixing and Sediment Transport in the Ocean”学术研讨会的通知
Coastal morphodynamics sedimentology
我院吴加学教授与班戈大学的Tom P Rippeth 教授,将于2016年9月12日-14日在中山大学举行 “Turbulent Mixing and Sediment Transport in the Ocean”国际研讨会,请详见以下 本次研讨会的邀请信。
Integration of prognostic aerosol–cloud interactions in a chemistry transport model coupled offline to a regional climate model
chemistry transport aerosol–cloud interactions
more detailed description of the emissions, transport,
particle growth, deposition and aerosol processes can
be included so as to obtain an accurate evaluation of
aerosol radiative effects on a hig...
Sediment transport dynamics near a river inflow in a large alpine lake
Sediment transport dynamics large alpine lake
Sediment dynamics were investigated in Lake Maggiore, Italy, with field observations from October to mid-December 2012. Three moorings were deployed in Pallanza Bay, a small embayment on the western s...
Geochemistry and Inorganic Carbon Transport of a Glacial Till Drumlin at a Road Salt Facility
road salt total dissolved inorganic carbon transport
Investigations were conducted at a salt/premix storage facility lying on top of a glacial drumlin near the coastline in eastern Massachusetts, to characterize salt contaminated groundwater. Groundwate...
Ebullition-enhanced solute transport in coarse-grained sediments
coarse-grained sediments Ebullition-enhanced solute transport
Pore-water exchange caused by ebullition of small oxygen bubbles produced by microalgae in the surface layer
of sand sediment at St. Joseph Bay (SJB), Gulf of Mexico, was contrasted with ebullition o...
Elemental transport upon hydration of basic schists during regional metamorphism: Geochemical evidence from the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, Japan
mass transfer fluid flow hydration metamorphism Sanbagawa belt
Trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of basic schists in the Cretaceous Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, a
typical regional metamorphic belt in the circum-Pacific orogeny, have been investigat...
Lateral sediment sources and knickzones as controls on spatio-temporal variations of sediment transport in an Alpine river
Sediment transport Critical shear stress Return period floods Particle entrainment Basin hydrology Swiss Alps
Modern mixed alluvial-bedrock channels in mountainous areas provide natural laboratories for understanding the time scales at which coarse-grained material has been entrained and transported from thei...
An estimation of the radioactive 35S emitted into the atmospheric from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant by using a numerical simulation global transport
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant radioactive isotopes sulfate global transport model SPRINTAR
We present a numerical study carried out with the SPRINTARS model modified to account for the radioactive decay of 35S compounds emitted from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant station after th...
A physical model for seismic noise generation from sediment transport in rivers
physical model seismic noise generation sediment transport in rivers
Measuring sediment flux in rivers remains a significant problem in studies of landscape evolution. Recent studies suggest that observations of seismic noise near rivers can help provide such measureme...
Construction of 7YGS-45 Type Orchard Transport Automatic Control Test Platform
Automatic Control Duel-Track Orchard Transport Self-Propelled Test Platform
In order to solve the problems during the mountain orchard transportation, the 7YGS-45 type self-propelled duel-track orchard transport was developed. Since the optimization of operating parameters an...
Solute transport in a heterogeneous aquifer:a search for nonlinear deterministic dynamics
Solute transport heterogeneous aquifer nonlinear deterministic dynamics
The potential use of a nonlinear deterministic framework for understanding the dynamic nature of solute transport processes in subsurface formations is investigated. Time series of solute particle tra...
Transport and distribution of bottom sediments at Pirita Beach
coastal processes sediment transport bottom sediments Gulf of Finland Tallinn Bay
The basic factors affecting sediment supply for and transport processes at Pirita Beach, a sandy section of the southeastern coast of Tallinn Bay, are analysed. Observations of bathymetry, sediment pr...
Effects of Compaction Parameters on Heavy Metal Mass Transport in Ankara Clay Liner: Experimental Approach
diffusion dispersivity hydrodynamic dispersion clay liner Ankara clay
Mass transports of Cl, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn ions through the Ankara clay liner was prepared under two different compaction conditions, and were studied experimentally on the bases of s...
Retention and Transport of Hexavalent Chromium in Calcareous Karst Soils
Hexavalent chromium calcareo
Hexavalent chromium, which is a highly toxic and soluble form of the element chromium, is a common soil and groundwater contaminant found in many contaminated sites throughout the world and poses a s...