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Compressibility mechanisms of alkali feldspars: New data from reedmergnerite
New data pressue reedmergnerite
Structuralandvolumecompressibilitydataforreedmergnerite,NaBSi O ,wereobtained3 8
Feldspars as a source of nutrients for microorganisms
Feldspars source of nutrients microorganisms
Phosphorus and nitrogen are essential macronutrients necessary for the survival of vir-tually all living organisms. In groundwater systems, these nutrients can be quite scarce and can represent limiti...
Exsolution and Al-Si disorder in alkali feldspars: Their analysis by infrared spectroscopy
Exsolution Al-Si disorder alkali feldspars analysis by infrared spectroscopy
Dislocation formation and albitization in alkali feldspars from the Shap granite
Dislocation formation albitization alkali feldspars Shap granite
Hydrofluoric acid solution calorimetric investigation of the effects of anorthite component on enthalpies of K-Na mixing in feldspars
Hydrofluoric acid solution calorimetric investigation effects anorthite component on enthalpies K-Na mixing feldspars
Enthalpies of solution have been measured at 50!a in 20.1 wt% hydrofluoric acid under
isoperibolic conditions for a nine-member K-Na ion-exchange series based on a disordered
oligoclase specimen con...
Time evolution of pericline twin domains in alkali feldspars: A computer simulation study
Time evolution pericline twin domains alkali feldspars computer simulation study
Ala~ge-s~ale computer. simulation ofAl-Siordering and the corresponding development ofa twm mIcrostructure malkali feldspars is reported for the first time. In the simulation the o~der-disorder transi...
Ab initio calculations on aluminosilicate Q3 species: Implications for atomic structures of mineral surfaces and dissolution mechanisms of feldspars
Ab calculations aluminosilicate Q3 species Implications for atomic structures dissolution mechanisms of feldspars
Molecularorbitalcalculations onvariousaluminosilicate Q3T-OHandbridging0spe-cieswereperformed to modelatomic structural changesonmineralsurfacesthat occuras
a function ofpH. Calculatedvibrational fre...
Phonon-spectroscopy on alkali-feldspars: Phase transitions and solid solutions
Phonon-spectroscopy alkali-feldspars Phase transitions solid solutions
Thephonon spectra ofIR-active vibrations in alkalifeldspars havebeensystematically investigated in the spectral range 50-2000 cm-I attemperatures between20and 900K. SampleswithhighdegreesofAl-Siorderd...
The Determination of Feldspars in Mudrocks Using an X-Ray Powder Diffraction Method
Albite Feldspar Microcline Mudrock Orthoclase Plagioclase
Low albite and maximum microcline were the two feldspars identified in Coal Measures mudrocks. Standard feldspars were then used to spike a mudrock base to construct standard working curves based on X...
Kaolinite Crystallization at Room Temperature by Homogeneous Precipitation—III: Hydrolysis of Feldspars
Kaolinite Crystallization Homogeneous Precipitation Hydrolysis of Feldspars
Abstract: The kaolinite crystallization by homogeneous precipitation with previous hydrolysis of the feldspars added has been followed by pH and potassium concentration measurements. The synthesized p...