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Inhibition of Sintering by Si During the Conversion of Si-Rich Ferrihydrite to Hematite
BET Ferrihydrite Si Sintering XPS
Abstract: The distribution and chemical state of Si in a synthetic 2-line ferrihydrite with a Si/(Si + Fe) molar ratio of 0.11 was studied. Heat treatment under oxidizing conditions shows that Si-rich...
Khmaralite, a new beryllium-bearing mineral related to sapphirine: A superstructure resulting from partial ordering of Be, Al, and Si on tetrahedral sites
Khmaralite beryllium-bearing mineral related to sapphirine superstructure resulting partial ordering Be Al Si tetrahedral sites
Khmaralite, Ca Mg Fe Fe Al Be B Si O , is a new mineral closely related to.04 5.46 14.26 1.43 0.02 4.80 400.12 1.87sapphirine from Khmara Bay, Enderby Land, Antarctica. It occurs in a pegmatite metamo...
The description of Al, Si ordering in aluminosilicates using the cluster variation method
cluster variatio nmethod Al Si cluster variation method
Effect of isovalent Si, Ti substitution on the bulk moduli of Ca(Ti1-xSix) SiO5 titanites
Si Ti bulk modulus
Theequationsofstateof A2/a titanitephasesofCaTiSiO ,Ca(Ti Si )SiO ,andCaSi O5 0.5 0.5 5 2 5
bulkmoduliare K 131.4(7)GPa(...
Si,Al ordering in the double-ring silicate armenite, BaCa2Al6Si9O30?H2O: A single-crystal X-ray and 29Si MAS NMR study
BaCa2Al6Si9O30?H2O single-crystal
29The SiMASNMRspectrumofarmenitefromWasenalp(Valais,Switzerland)indicates
Melt viscosities in the system Na-Fe-Si-O-F-Cl: Contrasting effects of F and Cl in alkaline melts
Melt viscosities Na-Fe-Si-O-F-Cl alkaline melts
The shear viscosities of melts in the system Na-Fe-Si-O-F-Cl were determined over a wide range of temperatures (400–1200 8 C) at 1 atm pressure in air. The compositions are based on the addition of Fe...
Boralsilite (Al 16 B 6 Si 2 O 37 ): A new mineral related to sillimanite from pegmatites in granulite-facies rocks
Boralsilite (Al 16 B 6 Si 2 O 37 ) pegmatites granulite-facies rocks
Boralsilite, the first natural anhydrous Al-B-silicate, is a high-temperature phase in peg-matites cutting granulite-facies metapelitic rocks at Larsemann Hills, Prydz Bay, east Ant-arctica (type loca...
Si-Al ordering in leucite-group minerals and ion-exchanged analogues: An MAS NMR study
Si-Al leucite-group minerals ion-exchanged analogues MAS NMR study
Twoseriesofleucitegroupmaterials,withK,Rb,andCsasextra-frameworkcations,havebeensynthesizedbyionexchangefromanaturalwell-orderedanalciteandanatural29 27disorderedleucite.Siand AlMASNMRdatafortheanalci...
Orthorhombic Jahn-Teller distortion and Si-OH in mozartite CaMn3+O[SiO3OH]: A single-crystal X-ray, FTIR, and structure modeling study
Orthorhombic Jahn-Teller distortion Si-OH CaMn3+O[SiO3OH X-ray FTIR: structure modeling study
Thestructureofmozartite,CaMn O[SiO OH],wasre?nedinspacegroup P2 2 2 fromX-raysingle-crystaldatacollectedat100K(R 2.45%, R 2.62%),300K(R 2.60%,R 2.68%),and500K(R 2.79%, R 2.81%).TheMn O octahedronshows...
Exsolution and Al-Si disorder in alkali feldspars: Their analysis by infrared spectroscopy
Exsolution Al-Si disorder alkali feldspars analysis by infrared spectroscopy
Al, Si, and Mg occupancies in tetrahedrally and octahedrally coordinated sites in synthetic aluminous tremolite
Al Si Mg occupancies tetrahedrally octahedrally coordinated sites synthetic aluminous tremolite
Mg Si O (OH) -Ca (Mg Al)(AlSi )O (OH) bymeansoftheMg-Tscher-
Si-Al order and the I1 - I 2/c structural phase transition in synthetic CaAl2Si2O8- SrAl2Si2O8 feldspar: A 29Si MAS-NMR spectroscopic study
Si-Al order I1 - I 2/c structural phase transition synthetic CaAl2Si2O8- SrAl2Si2O8 feldspar A 29Si MAS-NMR spectroscopic study
We present 29SiMAS-NMR spectroscopic data for a series of synthetic feldspar samples
along the join CaAI2Si20g-SrAI2Si20g, from which the composition dependence and cou-
pling of order parameters de...
The phenomenon of low Al-Si ordering temperatures in aluminosilicate framework structures
phenomenon Al-Si ordering temperatures aluminosilicate framework structures
The enthalpy ofordering ofAland Sibetween tetrahedral sites in framework structures is now known from several studies to bein the range 0.3-1.4 eVper two Al-O-Si linkages, depending on the structure a...
Bechererite, (Zn,Cu)6Zn2(OH)13[(Si,S)(O,OH)4]2, a novel mineral species from the Tonopah-Belmont mine, Arizona
Bechererite (Zn,Cu)6Zn2(OH)13[(Si,S)(O,OH)4]2 Tonopah-Belmont mine
Bechererite is a new mineral found ondump material from the Tonopah-Belmont mine, Maricopa County, Arizona, U.S.A. It occurs as thin elongated crystals, commonly in hemispherical aggregates, and it is...
Coordination of Si in Na2O-SiO2-P2O5 glasses using Si K- and L-edge XANES
Coordination of Si Na2O-SiO2-P2O5 glasses Si K- and L-edge XANES
Si K- and L-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) of SiOz-PzOs and NazO-SiOz-PzOs glasses containing PzOsabove 30mol%wereinvestigated using synchro-tron radiation. BothSiK-and L-edge spect...