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中国地质大学科学技术发展院朱棋(博士研究生),文章*,等,环境学院. Journal of Hydrology (2019), Microbial effects on hydraulic conductivity estimation by single-well injection tests in a petroleum-contaminated aquifer(图)
近日,国际著名期刊《Journal of Hydrology》刊发了中国地质大学环境学院文章教授团队的最新研究成果——“Microbial effects on hydraulic conductivity estimation by single-well injection tests in a petroleum-contaminated aquifer”。该文第一作者为环境学院博士研究生朱...
The parameters used to describe the electrical conductivity of a porous material can be used to describe also its thermal conductivity. A new relationship is developed to connect the thermal conductiv...
Diurnal Variations in Electrical Conductivity of Water in a Small Stream
Diurnal Variations Electrical Conductivity of Water Small Stream
Diurnal fluctuations in electrical conductivity of water have been observed in
a small streBm draining a basin 12 km2 in size. An attempt to explain the cause
of these variations is presented. The t...
A Model for the Relationship between the Hydraulic Conductivity and Primary Sedimentary Structures of Till
Hydraulic Conductivity Primary Sedimentary Structures Structures of Till
An investigation has been made of the relationships between saturated hydraulic
conductivity, porosity and micro-structure of undisturbed lodgement till
samples. 35 measurements with a constant head...
Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity Determined by the Hot Air Method for Some Danish Till Soils
Hydraulic Conductivity Hot Air Method Danish Till Soils
Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity relations for topsoil and subsoil in 12 Danish
till soils were obtained from measurements by the hot air method. In the
range of pressure potentials (pF-values fro...
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Clayey Tills and the Role of Fractures
Hydraulic Conductivity Clayey Tills Fractures
Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby
The background for the present knowledge about hydraulic conductivity of
clayey till in Denmark is summarized. The data show a difference of 1-2 order...
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Scandinavian Tills
Hydraulic Conductivity Scandinavian Tills
There is a distinctive difference in hydraulic properties between the upper
horizons of Scandinavian till soil and the deeper C-horizon. The hydraulic
conductivity has been studied in different soil...
Methods for Measuring the Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Tills
Methods Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Tills
The texture of tills excludes many of the traditional methods for measurement
of the saturated hydraulic conductivity. The hydraulic conductivity is scale
dependent and for massive relatively homoge...
Sediment Fabric and Anisotropy of Hydraulic Conductivity in Sandy Till,Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Sediment Fabric Anisotropy of Hydraulic Conductivity
The orientation of macroscopic and n~icroscopic particles in silty, sandy basal
till appears to have little effect on aquifer anisotropy. The orientation of 108
elongate pebble and cobble-sized part...
Estimation and Scaling of the Near-Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
Estimation and Scaling Near-Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
The hydraulic conductivity in structured soils is known to increase drastically
when approaching saturation. Tension infiltration allows in situ infiltration of
water at predetermined matric potenti...
Determination of Anisotropy of Tills by Means of Azimuthal Resistivity and Conductivity Measurements
Determination of Anisotropy Means of Azimuthal Resistivity Conductivity Measurements
Anisotropy of glacial tills in Lapland revealed with azimuthal galvanic (Terrameter 300 C) resistivity and inductive (Geonics EM-31) electrical conductivity measurements, which were carried out at fou...
Averaging hydraulic head, pressure head, and gravitational head in subsurface hydrology, and implications for averaged fluxes, and hydraulic conductivity
hydraulic head pressure head gravitational head subsurface hydrology
Current theories for water flow in porous media are valid for scales much smaller than those at which problem of public interest manifest themselves. This provides a drive for upscaled flow equations...
Spatial and temporal variation in pH, alkalinity and conductivity in surface runoff and groundwater for the Upper River Severn catchment
pH surface runoff alkalinity conductivity Upper River Severn catchment
Measurements of pH, alkalinity and electrical conductivity are used to examine the extent of the spatial and temporal variation in stream and ground water chemistry for the Upper Severn catchment, Pl...
Continuous pH, electrical conductivity and temperature measurement at Plynlimon:towards an integrated, reliable and low maintenance instrument system
Water quality Continuous pH temperature measurement electrical conductivity
Water quality data for the Nant Tanilwyth stream, Plynlimon (an acidic upland stream, the waters of which are of such low ionic strength that measurement is difficult), has been recorded using a new i...
Extension of the measurement range of electrical conductivity by time-domain reflectometry (TDR)
electrical conductivity time-domain reflectometry
The electrical conductivity (EC) of a medium invaded by TDR sensors can be estimated from the impedance of a TDR reflectogram. Four categories of sensor were tested in salt solutions and the impedance...