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Five Rice Seed-Specific NF-YC Genes Redundantly Regulate Grain Quality and Seed Germination via Interfering Gibberellin Pathway
NF-YCs 种子发育 赤霉素 籽粒品质

扬州大学农学院杨泽峰教授课题组和江苏里下河地区农业科学研究所李爱宏课题组及中国农业科学院植物保护研究所宁约瑟课题合作在Genome Biology杂志在线发表题为“Genomic insight into balancing high yield, good quality, and blast resistance of japonica rice”的研究论文(图)
粳稻品种 基因组测序 优良品系 XY99 JXY1
华中地区是粳米的主要产区之一。然而,该地区仍有数十个高产水稻品种质量低下或易感稻瘟病,严重限制了其在水稻生产中的应用。2021年10月5日,Genome Biology 杂志在线发表了来自扬州大学农学院杨泽峰课题组和江苏里下河地区农业科学研究所李爱宏课题组及中国农业科学院植物保护研究所宁约瑟课题组等合作的题为“Genomic insight into balancing high yield, g...
Transcriptome and QTL analyses reveal candidate genes for fiber quality in Upland cotton
棉花 纤维发育 QTL 转录组 表达基因
Examining two sets of introgression lines across multipleenvironments reveals background‑independent and stably expressedquantitative trait loci of fiber quality in cotton
陆海渐渗系 纤维品质 QTL 棉花
Genome-wide quantitative trait loci reveal the genetic basis of cotton fiber quality and yield-related traits in a G.hirsutum recombinant inbred line population
0-153 sGK9708 棉花产量 品质性状

《Protein Phosphorylation and Meat Quality》 专著出版(图)
《Protein Phosphorylation and Meat Quality》 专著 出版
日前由中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所张德权研究员及其团队主笔的英文专著《Protein Phosphorylation and Meat Quality》已与读者见面。该书得到国家自然科学基金重点项目“能量代谢与蛋白质翻译后修饰关联调控肉品质的分子机制(32030086)”、中国农业科学院科技创新工程“肉品加工与品质调控(CAAS-ASTIP-2020-IFST-03)”的资助,由Springer...
Creating Novel Wx Alleles with Fine-tuned Amylose Levels and Improved Grain Quality in Rice by Promoter Editing using CRISPR/Cas9 System
CRISPR/Cas9 System Fine-tuned Amylose Grain Quality Rice
In rice, the Waxy (Wx) gene encoding GBSSI (granule-bound starch synthase I) controls amylose synthesis in the endosperm and is the primary factor influencing grain eating and cooking quality (ECQ). T...

California's air quality regulations help farmers prosper(图)
California air quality regulations farmers prosper
Farmers in California's Central Valley have seen a boost in the productivity of their high-value crops -- and greater earnings -- as a result of the Golden State's air pollution controls.Perennial cro...
Increasing nutrient levels promote growth and flower quality in lilies grown under soilless culture
plant longevity nitrogen ornamental plant bulbs tuf
This research was aimed at assessing the impact of different doses of nutrients on growth and flower quality of the Asiatic
hybrid Lilium ((Lilium × elegans Thunb.) cv. ‘Fangio’) under the soilless c...
Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate on the Yields, Nutritive Value and Silage Fermentation Quality of Whole-crop Wheat
Nitrogen Application Nutritive Value Silage Whole-crop Wheat Yield
Whole-crop wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as forage has been extensively used in the world. In this study, the effects of N application rates on the yields, nutritive value and silage quality were inves...
Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), Satellite data
Satellite data provide high spatial coverage and characterization of atmospheric components for vertical column. Additionally, the use of air pollution modelling in combination with satellite data o...
Development of high baking quality winter wheat Annie
baking quality cultivar description disease resistance Pch1 gene Triticum aestivum L. winter hardiness
Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 50 (2014): 293-295
Annie is a medium-early winter wheat developed at the Plant Breeding Station, Stupice, SELGEN, a.s., Czech Republic and registered in the Czech Republ...
Early selection of potato clones with the H1 resistance gene – the relation of nematode resistance to quality characteristics
breeding Globodera rostochiensis marker-assisted selection MAS Solanum tuberosum
Breeding a new potato cultivar is a long-term process ending with a few elite individuals from initially large populations. Screening for resistance in the seedling and first clonal generations is a c...
The application of microsatellite analysis in barley malting quality breeding programmes
“Č eské pivo” discriminant analysis diversity markers SSR
A set of 43 microsatellite loci was used to characterise the malting barley varieties and breeding lines used for the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) “České pivo” (“Czech beer”) and for o...
Challenges for Crop Production and Quality - Annals of Applied Biology Centenary conference
Crop Production Quality
It is fitting in marking the Annals Centenary to review how science has contributed to agriculture over the last 100 years and to consider future directions in the context of the challenges ahead. Thi...