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中国医学科学院病原生物学研究所郭丽博士等在《Emerging Infectious Diseases》杂志在线发表论文揭示人体对禽流感病毒H7N9的抗体反应特点(图)
病原生物学 郭丽博士 Emerging Infectious Diseases 禽流感病毒H7N9 抗体反应
2013年3月,在我国上海和安徽等地发现了一种新型禽流感病毒—H7N9的流行,随后在多个省份发现相关病例。鉴于H7N9病毒具有引发流行的风险,了解机体对这种新病毒的免疫反应特征,对于揭示其致病机制以及指导疫苗的研发等具有重要作用。我所梅里埃实验室郭丽博士等与上海市CDC、北京市CDC 和所内相关课题组通力合作,利用H7N9流感患者急性期和恢复期血清,对机体针对H7N9病毒的抗体反应进行了评价。研究...
The Khanh Hoa Health Project: Characterization of Study Population and Field Site Development for Clinical Epidemiological Research on Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases
Study Population Clinical Epidemiological Research Infectious Diseases
The Khanh Hoa Health Project: Characterization of Study Population and Field Site Development for Clinical Epidemiological Research on Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases.
Australia Provides $12 Million to Combat Emerging Infectious Diseases in our Region
infectious diseases