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北京大学第三医院马潞林教授团队在International Journal of Surgery发文阐述机器人辅助肾癌合并下腔静脉癌栓手术新策略(图)
肾细胞癌 泌尿系 肿瘤 马潞林教授 北京大学第三医院
2023年5月,北京大学第三医院泌尿外科马潞林教授团队在International Journal of Surgery发表题为《机器人辅助下腔静脉近心端不阻断技术处理II-III级癌栓的单中心前瞻性队列研究》(Cephalic inferior vena cava non-clamping technique versus standard procedure for robot-assiste...

南方医科大学珠江医院肝胆一科在International Journal of Surgery上发表ICG荧光成像技术引导胰岛素瘤手术的最新临床研究成果(图)
ICG 荧光成像技术 珠江医院 胰岛素瘤
近日,珠江医院肝胆一科方驰华/杨剑教授团队在《国际外科》(International Journal of Surgery, IF=13.4)杂志发表了题为“Indocyanine green fluorescence imaging to localize insulinoma and provide three-dimensional demarcation for laparoscopic ...

2022年11月2日,国际顶级外科学期刊《JAMA Surgery》(中科院1区Top,IF=16.681)发表了论文“Electroacupuncture vs sham electroacupuncture in the treatment of postoperative ileus after laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer: a mu...

近日,一附院吕毅教授、张谞丰教授团队原创性研究论著“New Nodal Staging for Primary Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Multi-institutional and National Data Analysis”在外科学最权威的期刊Annals of Surgery在线发表。胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤(Pancreatic neuroend...

2018年8月24日,被称为外科学领域的“圣经”——Annals of Surgery(外科学年鉴)(Q1, IF=9.203)在线发表北京大学人民医院胃肠外科团队的研究成果“Efficacy and Safety of Complete Mesocolic Excision in Patients With Colon Cancer:Three-year Results From a Prosp...

四川大学华西医院血管外科赵纪春教授团队在Annals of Surgery发表论文——在下肢重症缺血临床研究上取得重要进展(图)
四川大学华西医院 血管外科 赵纪春 教授团队 Annals of Surgery 下肢重症 缺血临床
近日,华西医院血管外科赵纪春教授团队在外科学国际顶级杂志《Annals of Surgery》(IF:8.980)上发表题为“Percutaneous Vascular Interventions Versus Bypass Surgeries in Patients With Critical Limb Ischemia: A Comprehensive Meta-analysis”的临床研究论...

Annals of Surgery发表北京大学第一医院王东信教授团队临床研究成果:右美托咪定或可改善老年非心脏手术病人远期预后(图)
Annals of Surgery 北京大学第一医院 王东信 教 右美托咪定 老年 非心脏手术 远期预后
2018年5月8日,被誉为世界外科学领域“圣经”的医学期刊Annals of Surgery(《外科学年鉴》)发表了北京大学第一医院王东信教授(通讯作者)团队的临床研究论文。研究显示,对于术后入ICU的老年非心脏手术病人,右美托咪定虽不能改变术后3年的存活率,但可提高术后2年内的生存率,并能改善术后3年存活患者的认知功能和生存质量。该论文由北京大学第一医院麻醉科主任王东信教授带领的研究团队和英国帝...
2018年SPIE头颈外科和耳鼻喉科的光学成像,治疗和先进技术会议(SPIE Optical Imaging,Therapeutics,and Advanced Technology in Head and Neck Surgery and Otolaryngology 2018)
2018年 SPIE 头颈外科和耳鼻喉科的光学成像,治疗和先进技术 会议
2018年SPIE头颈外科和耳鼻喉科的光学成像,治疗和先进技术会议(SPIE Optical Imaging,Therapeutics,and Advanced Technology in Head and Neck Surgery and Otolaryngology 2018)。
2018年SPIE皮肤科和整形外科光学应用会议(SPIE Photonics in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery 2018)
2018年 SPIE 皮肤科和整形外科光学应用 会议
2018年SPIE皮肤科和整形外科光学应用会议(SPIE Photonics in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery 2018)。
How six cups of ground coffee can improve nose,throat surgery
six cups of ground coffee improve nose throat surgery
Imagine plopping six cups of coffee grounds on the heads of patients just before they are wheeled into the operating room to have nose or throat surgery?
In essence, that is what a team of Vanderbilt...
The Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program: benefit and concerns
Enhanced Surgery (ERAS) program benefit concerns
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) programs have successfully challenged many dogmas that existed in surgery 40 y ago. At that time, as young surgeons, we were taught to slowly increase the oral i...
New brain mapping tool produces higher resolution data during brain surgery
New brain mapping tool resolution data during brain surgery
Researchers have developed a new device to map the brain during surgery and distinguish between healthy and diseased tissues. The device provides higher resolution neural readings than existing tools ...
A low-cost mechanical device for minimally invasive surgery
low-cost mechanical device minimally invasive surgery
Surgeons can now use a new type of mechanical instrument to perform complex, minimally invasive procedures, also known as laparoscopic surgery, thanks to researchers and small business entrepreneurs f...
2017皮肤科和整容手术光子学研讨会(Photonics in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery)
Dermatology Plastic Surgery
Conference attendees are invited to attend the BiOS poster session on Sunday evening. Come view the posters, enjoy light refreshments, ask questions, and network with colleagues in your field. Authors...