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今日,中南大学湘雅医院神经内科江泓教授团队与核医学科(PET中心)胡硕教授团队和北京大学第一医院儿科熊晖教授团队分别合作,在《Movement Disorders》以论著形式,分别发表了题为“Synaptic Loss in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 Revealed by SV2A Positron Emission Tomography”和“CAG Repea...

近日,中南大学湘雅医院动物实验中心高常青博士团队与中南大学湘雅医院神经内科郭纪锋教授团队合作在《Movement Disorders》(IF=9.698)以封面论著形式发表了题为“Sensitivity of Sniffer Dogs for a Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease: A Diagnostic Accuracy Study”的原创性研究,发现对帕金森病...

近日,中南大学湘雅医院神经内科江泓教授、唐北沙教授团队在关于遗传性共济失调的生物标志物研究中取得重要进展,以“Blood Neurofilament Light Chain in Genetic Ataxia: A Meta-Analysis”为题,在国际临床神经病学顶尖期刊《Movement Disorders》(IF=10.338)以原创论著形式发表。江泓教授为论文通讯作者,博士研究生彭林柳、...

首都医科大学宣武医院陈彪教授团队在《Movement Disorders》发文揭示老年人群葡萄糖脑苷脂酶基因(GBA)突变对帕金森病的影响(图)
首都医科大学宣武医院 陈彪教授 Movement Disorders 老年人群 葡萄糖脑苷脂酶基因 GBA 突变对帕金森病的影响
2020年4月22日,首都医科大学宣武医院帕金森病研究团队在《Movement Disorders》上以论著形式正式发表了题为"Decreased Penetrance of Parkinson's Disease in Elderly Carriers of Glucocerebrosidase Gene L444P/R Mutations: A Community‐Based 10‐Year ...

首都医科大学宣武医院帕金森病影像学联盟吴涛团队在《Movement Disorders》发文揭示快速眼动睡眠行为障碍患者双侧黑质出现异常铁沉积(图)
帕金森病 吴涛团队 快速眼动睡眠行为障碍 宣武医院
2019年 12月17 日,首都医科大学宣武医院帕金森病影像学联盟团队与哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)合作在《Movement Disorders》(影响因子8.061)上以论著形式在线发表了题为 “Quantitative evaluation of iron content in idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder”的论文。首次利...

Nearly Imperceptible Fluctuations In Movement Correspond To Autism Diagnoses,IU-Led Study Finds(图)
Fluctuations Movement Correspond Autism Diagnoses IU-Led Study
A new study led by researchers at Indiana University and Rutgers University provides the strongest evidence yet that nearly imperceptible changes in how people move can be used to diagnose neurodevelo...
Brain signals deliver first targeted treatment for world’s most common movement disorder
Brain signals first targeted treatment world’s most common movement disorder
Essential tremor is the world’s most common movement disorder, affecting an estimated 7 million people in the U.S. alone. The hallmark of this disease is an involuntary, rhythmic shaking during intent...
Researchers discover neuronal targets that restore movement in Parkinson's disease model
Researchers neuronal targets restore movement Parkinson's disease model
Researchers working in the lab of Carnegie Mellon University neuroscientist Aryn Gittis have identified two groups of neurons that can be turned on and off to alleviate the movement-related symptoms o...
For the first time in humans,researchers use brain surface stimulation to provide ‘touch’ feedback to direct movement
humans researchers brain surface stimulation touch’ feedback direct movement
In the quest torestore movement to people with spinal cord injuries, researchers have focused on getting brain signals to disconnected nerves and muscles that no longer receive messages that would spu...
Differing Roles of Functional Movement Variability as Experience Increases in Gymnastics
Task experience inter-trial variability performance inter-segmental coordination gymnastics
Current theories, like Ecological Dynamics, propose that inter-trial movement variability is functional when acquiring or refining movement coordination. Here, we examined how age-based experience lev...
Dopamine neurons have a role in movement,new study finds(Nature Neuroscience)
Dopamine neurons movement
Princeton University researchers have found that dopamine – a brain chemical involved in learning, motivation and many other functions – also has a direct role in representing or encoding movemen...
The Mechanoreflex and Hemodynamic Response to Passive Leg Movement in Heart Failure
Background: Sensitization of mechanosensitive afferents, which contribute to the exercise pressor reflex, has been recognized as a characteristic of patients with heart failure (HF); however, the hemo...
A New Qualitative Typology to Classify Treading Water Movement Patterns
Generalizability theory clinical education lifesaving
This study proposes a new qualitative typology that can be used to classify learners treading water into different skill-based categories. To establish the typology, 38 participants were videotaped wh...
Intra and Inter-Rater Reliability of Screening for Movement Impairments: Movement Control Tests from The Foundation Matrix
Movement control movement impairments
Pre-season screening is well established within the sporting
arena, and aims to enhance performance and reduce injury risk.
With the increasing need to identify potential injury with greater
Eye-Movement Brain Potentials and Family History of Alcoholism: Alcoholism, brain potentials, saccades, antisaccades
brain potentials saccades antisaccade
This Master of Science thesis, eye movements brain potentials and family history of alcoholism, has been completed at the Neural Systems Laboratory of Dr. Sean O’Connor. I am greatly indebted for the ...