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Mitochondrial structure and respiratory metabolism in cold resistance of alfalfa seedling root(图)
苜蓿 抗寒性 秋眠性

南京农业大学农学院《Plant Physiology》发表华健教授课题组“CHROMATIN REMODELING 11-dependent nucleosome occupancy affects disease resistance in rice”(图)
华健 基因转录 蛋白修饰

南京农业大学农学院《Molecular Plant》上发表王秀娥教授团队“A chromosome-scale genome assembly of Dasypyrum villosum provides insights into its application as a broad-spectrum disease resistance resource for wheat improvement”(图)
王秀娥 小麦遗传育种 基因 栽培
2023年2月6日,南京农业大学农学院细胞遗传研究所作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室小麦遗传育种创新团队在《Molecular Plant》杂志上发表了题为“A chromosome-scale genome assembly of Dasypyrum villosum provides insights into its application as a broad-spectrum disea...

南京农业大学农学院《Plant Physiology》发表万建民院士团队“Phytochrome B mediates dim-light-reduced insect resistance by promoting the ethylene pathway in rice”(图)
万建民 水稻褐飞虱 基因

扬州大学农学院杨泽峰教授课题组和江苏里下河地区农业科学研究所李爱宏课题组及中国农业科学院植物保护研究所宁约瑟课题合作在Genome Biology杂志在线发表题为“Genomic insight into balancing high yield, good quality, and blast resistance of japonica rice”的研究论文(图)
粳稻品种 基因组测序 优良品系 XY99 JXY1
华中地区是粳米的主要产区之一。然而,该地区仍有数十个高产水稻品种质量低下或易感稻瘟病,严重限制了其在水稻生产中的应用。2021年10月5日,Genome Biology 杂志在线发表了来自扬州大学农学院杨泽峰课题组和江苏里下河地区农业科学研究所李爱宏课题组及中国农业科学院植物保护研究所宁约瑟课题组等合作的题为“Genomic insight into balancing high yield, g...
New technology paves way towards personalized antibiotic therapy New sensor provides quick test to measure antibiotic resistance
microwave sensor antibiotics resistance bacteria
Researchers have developed a method for monitoring bacterial responses to antibiotics in health-care settings that opens the door to personalized antibiotic therapy for patients. Using microwave sensi...
New study offers insight on how resistance training burns fat
resistance movement reduced fat adipocyte metabolism
Findings from a new study add to growing evidence that resistance exercise has unique benefits for fat loss. Researchers found that resistance-like exercise regulates fat cell metabolism at a molecula...
Reducing antibiotic use in primary care may be insufficient alone to curtail antimicrobial resistance
antibiotics AMR E. coli primary care
Strategies to reduce antibiotic prescribing in primary care are insufficient alone to halt the rise in drug resistant E. coli infections in England, a new report concludes.