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Magnetic tornado is stirring up the haze at Jupiter's poles
Magnetic tornado Magnetically Hydrocarbon
Dark ovals in Jupiter's polar haze, visible only at UV wavelengths, were first noticed 25 years ago, then ignored. A new study shows that these dark UV ovals are common, appearing at the south pole in...

[成果]北京师范大学物理学系张金星和沈卡小组与合作者以“Strain-Driven Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction for Room-Temperature Magnetic Skyrmions”为题发表学术成果(图)
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM)相互作用,是一种反对称自旋交换作用,于上个世纪六十年代由I. Dzyaloshinskii利用唯象理论提出,并由T. Moriya在超交换相互作用中考虑自旋轨道耦合而发展的微观理论,被用来解释磁性体系中诸多新奇物理现象(自旋玻璃中的各向异性场、多铁性材料中的磁电耦合、自旋波的非对称色散关系、非共线磁结构等)。近十几年来,由于DM相互作用而实现的螺旋...
Lunar samples solve mystery of the moon's supposed magnetic shield
lunar magnetic field magnetization lunar soil
Tests of glass samples gathered on Apollo missions show magnetization may result from impacts of objects like meteors, not as a result of magnetization from the presence of a magnetic shield.

Superconductivity in a graphene system survives a strong magnetic field
graphene magnetic field MA TTG
A material system known as magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene exhibits superconductivity. The observation that this superconductivity persists under a strong magnetic field could lead to advances i...
中国地质大学科学技术发展院左博新,胡祥云*等,计算机学院,Geophysical Research Letters (2020),Downward Continuation and Transformation of Total‐Field Magnetic Anomalies Into Magnetic Gradient Tensors Between Arbitrary Surfaces Using Multilayer Equivalent Sources
近日,地球物理著名期刊《Geophysical Research Letters》正式刊发了中国地质大学胡祥云教授团队研究成果 -“Downward continuation and transformation of total-field magnetic anomalies into magnetic gradient tensors between arbitrary surfaces u...
中国地质大学科学技术发展院刘双,胡祥云* 等 地空学院 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Extracting induced and remanent magnetizations from magnetic data modeling
中国地质大学地空学院刘双副教授、胡祥云教授研究团队在《Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth》上刊发的“Extracting induced and remanent magnetizations from magnetic data modeling”的学术论文,提出了通过地磁异常反演提取剩余磁化强度与磁化率信息的方法。
中国地质大学科学技术发展院金航(硕士生),田熙科等材化学院 Environmental Science & Technology, 2017. Oxygen Vacancy Promoted Heterogeneous Fenton-like Degradation of Ofloxacin at pH 3.2-9.0 by Cu Substituted Magnetic Fe3O4@FeOOH Nanocomposite(图)
2017年9月,中国地质大学材化学院田熙科教授团队有关“铁基芬顿催化剂催化降解有机污染物”的研究成果发表在环境领域重要国际期刊《Environmental Science & Technology》上。