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研究严重脂血对Sysmex XE-2100 全自动血液分析仪血细胞检测结果的影响。方法 将30 例无脂血、溶血、黄疸的标本进行血细胞检测及TG 检测作为对照组。30 例每份标本平均分两管,A,B 两组标本分别吸出70,120μl 血浆加入同等量的脂肪乳制备乳糜血。血细胞检测用Sysmex XE-2100 血液分析仪检测,TG 水平用Rochecobas-8000 生化分析仪检测,然后根据脂血程度分...
Response of microbial decomposition to spin-up explains CMIP5 soil carbon range until 2100
microbial decomposition soil carbon
Soil carbon storage simulated by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) models varies 6-fold for the present day. Here, we confirm earlier work showing that this range already exists at the...
研究探讨Sysmex-2100血细胞分析仪血小板正常其他参数不显示的原因。方法 抽取Sysmex-2100血细胞分析仪检测的血小板正常其他参数不显示的门诊及住院患者100例和血小板正常其他参数显示的门诊及住院患者100例,涂片进行瑞士染色并用显微镜对血小板形态进行进一步分析,运用SPSS 18.0统计软件对相关数据进行统计分析,采用χ2检验处理数据,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果 本研究中...
电力载波集中抄表系统 ZWSC-2100
The representation of the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL) in 13 different Chemistry Climate Models (CCMs) designed to represent the stratosphere is analyzed. Simulations for 1960–2005 and 1980–2100 ar...
Sensitivity studies of oxidative changes in the troposphere in 2100 using the GISS GCM
oxidative changes troposphere GISS GCM
We examine the relative importance of chemical precursor emissions affecting ozone (O3) and hydroxyl (OH) for the year 2100. Runs were developed from the Comparison of Tropospheric Oxidants (Ox_Comp) ...
平均温度 公元2100年 环保意识
公元2100年,全球平均温度上升6摄氏度; 公元2100年,北极夏季冰川消失殆尽,北冰洋变成无冰洋; 公元2100年,威尼斯、伦敦、纽约、东京以及孟加拉国大片地区、美国佛罗里达州等被淹没; 公元2100年,全球三分之一的大地变成沙漠; 公元2100年,全球三分之二物种灭绝,其中包括北极熊…… 当你看到这一串串数据后,你的第一反应会是什么?我想除了“简直不可能”、“不可...
Simulations of preindustrial, present-day, and 2100 conditions in the NASA GISS composition and climate model G-PUCCINI
preindustrial present-day NASA GISS composition climate model G-PUCCINI
A model of atmospheric composition and climate has been developed at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) that includes composition seamlessly from the surface to the lower mesosphere. ...
The evolution of the global aerosol system in a transient climate simulation from 1860 to 2100
global aerosol system transient climate simulation
The evolution of the global aerosol system from 1860 to 2100 is investigated through a transient atmosphere-ocean General Circulation Model climate simulation with interactively coupled atmospheric ae...
Application of the Demographic Potential Concept to Understanding the Russian Population History and Prospects History and Prospects 1897-2100
demographic losses of Russia method of demographic potentials population projections Russia Russian population perspectives Russian population trends
The article deals with Russian population estimates since 1897 and prospects to the end of the XXI century. Concept of demographic potential is used to examine past trends and project future tendencie...
测试方法 DT-2100型多普勒血流探测仪
摘要 使用Agilent 2 10 0Bioanalyzer分析限制性显示技术 (restrictiondisplay ,RD)制备的HIV片段库 .利用合适的限制酶从质粒上获得HIVB亚型代表株U2 6 94 2全基因cDNA ,然后将目的片段进行Sau3AⅠ消化 ,在消化得到的片段两端加接头 ,利用通用引物进行PCR扩增 ,扩增结果通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳以及Agilent 2 10 0Bioana...
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer在人乳头瘤病毒检测中的应用
近年来,人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染十分普遍。HPV可引起多种人类疾病,其致病性与型别密切相关。低危HPV型别如6型和11型等可引起尖锐湿疣等良性病变,而高危HPV型别如16型和18型等则可引发宫颈癌等恶性肿瘤。因此,对HPV进行早期、快速检测和型别鉴定具有重要的临床意义。Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer是最近出现的、基于生物芯片实验室技术的核酸分析系统,它能快速、简便、灵敏和准确地...
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer在基因差异表达研究中的应用
目前在生物学及生物化学实验室中最为常用的核酸分析 技术是板状凝胶电泳技术,主要是琼脂糖凝胶电泳技术来进行DNA的分析。尽管它相对而言比较经济简便,但肉眼所得的结果可能有偏差,往往需结合荧光或紫外分光光度计作进一步的定量分析。同时这些仪器仅提供样品的总浓度,不能提供有关样品的组分或潜在的污染等方面的信息,不能满足样品克隆、测序或基因表达研究等实验的需要。并且上述操作相对费时,所消耗的样品量也较大。A...