Wetlands are mostly characterized by a large proportion of open water and frequent
inundation. In most soil water flow models little attention is payed to phenomena
related to open water. In this study, limitations of one dimensional soil
water flow models in wetlands are identified. A simple model approach for incorporating
the relation between open water and groundwater in soil water flow
models is introduced. This model concept is implemented in an extended version
of the SWATRE niodel and tested with data from three lowland raised mires
(Engbertdijksvenen, Fochteloerveen (The Netherlands) and Leegmoor (Germany)).
J. F. M. Spieksma;J. M. Schouwenaars;J. Blankenburg.Combined Modelling of Groundwater Table and Open Water Level in Raised Mires .http://ynufe.firstlight.cn/View.aspx?infoid=826110&cb=daiyingying.